Chapter 17: Safe and sound

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-------Dicks pov----- (before Percy came in to save the day)

After getting into the factory we managed to stop the Joker venom from getting us, and from then on a huge fight ensued, apparently they had already gotten Bane back and with a new canister of venom. Really feeling the aster right now. (note my sarcasm)

Anyways we had broken up into groups with the Bat taking Joker on 1v1 and everyone else prioritizing Bane, or that was until Dami and Jason took off on their own to get the other henchmen.

Things were looking bad, Artemis and Connor had been thrown with such force that when they crashed into the poles they had crumpled on impact. It was down to me Me'gan, Kaldur, and Tim and between us, I wasn't too sure who was coming out on top.

I tried to get the leg up on Bane by giving him a nice kick to the gut but he grabbed my leg instead and started spinning me in a circle and I could feel the blood rushing to my head. That was until I heard "Yo, Escanor wanna be!! Put the poor guy down!" And I was thrown, weird enough I landed in a bunch of floating water which fell down with me in it upon being caught. I looked back up to see Bane being choked out by a person who was straddling his neck.

I think it was a female due to the stature but I couldn't be too sure. The person was fighting off Banes arms with ease until he caught the rim of their shirt and tried to fling them. In retaliation the person grabbed the tube that fed him his venom and tore it off. I grinned, this would give us the upper hand we needed. Immediately we went to work, with Kaldur giving Bane a nice jab to the gut. I didn't really care once the person left my sight as now we had a greater chance at winning.

-------Jason's Pov------

Me and the blood son were doing pretty good, the occasional guy would get in our defense and get a good hit but it didn't happen often. I knew I was running out of bullets but we needed to hold out until the others finished Bane, or less likely Bruce finally beats the Joker.

Anyways I was shooting left and right until I noticed a masked figure hitting men on the back of the heads with a metal pipe. I smirked, a newbie probably.

They were actually really efficient, never missing a target and always getting them first shot. I had to appreciate the art. I could tell Damien also noticed because he ran off a bit further almost in competition with the masked figure to see who could take out more people.

After a while there was a significant decrease in henchmen and the hooded figure just ran off and out the door.

So maybe not a newbie?

-------Time skip------

The others had taken out Bane and he was sitting handcuffed on the ground. The henchmen were a similar case only they were also tied up in clumps with ropes.

The Joker had escaped but Bruce was relatively unscathed.

As we looked over everyone a blur ran into the room and everyone's eyes went to him, all just now remembering he hadn't been here the whole time.

In his arms was a sleeping Percy and I couldn't help the stupid grin that popped up on my face. I ran over and took her from him. She squirmed a bit as she adjusted to my arms before laying her head against my chest. Her wounds from before are not as bad as I remembered.

The others were talking but I wasn't really paying attention. I was just watching over Percy glad that she was relatively okay for the time being and back with us.

Eventually we all went back to our respective places, Bruce just telling the Young Justice team that we would drop off Percy and that they could go home. They nodded and all went off on their own. I had to let go of Percy cause I had to bring my bike home but as soon as we did get home I got Percy from the car and brought her to her room.

Bruce said Alfred would take care of her in there least she wakes up in an unfamiliar place, especially with that place being the Batcave. So I decided I'd sit in there at least until Percy woke up.

I had to admit I'd gotten very close to Percy, whether she felt the same or not, me and her just had lots in common and if I were to ever lose her I don't know what I'd do. So that's where I sat, next to her bed holding her hand just in case she needed someone to wake up to.

After Alfred left I took this time to truly look around the room. It was cozy and of course I'd been in here a couple of times to hang out with Percy but I never really looked around her whole room. I had already seen the photos on her desk but I'd never noticed the photo on the side of the bed. It was flipped over and I knew I shouldn't intrude on her private things but I definitely stored that information for later.

My eyes started getting heavy and I hoped that Percy wouldn't mind but I fell asleep with my head in my arm laying atop her bed, and my other hand holding Percy's.

-----Time skip-----

I'm not sure when but at some point I felt rustling and I slowly lifted my head, in front of me sat Percy, her eyes groggily looking around the room.

I quickly wiped the sleep from my eyes as I smiled "What's up sleepy head?"

She quickly looked over her hand squeezing mine "Hey big bro" She gave me a smile "When did everyone decide my room was also theirs?" I looked around and saw that three more chairs had been pulled over. One next to mine and two on the other side of her bed.

The one besides me was Damien. He looked peaceful which was oddly cute, and on the other side Tim and Dick sat. Everyone was laying their heads on the bed.

I looked back up to see Percy who was smiling down on us all with a smile on her face and a couple tears rolling down her face.

She quickly wiped them before chuckling sadly. "I love you guys"

I really couldn't stop my smile this time "We love you too Perc"


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