Chapter 6: Some sword fighting

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(I just wanna warn you I am in no way shape form or fashion good at writing fighting scenes so please just stick with me on this)

After helping Alfred put away all the dishes and such (even after being told to go) I was making my way down the halls with the boys, this time though I was memorizing every room and hallway like An- she taught me.

Dick was actually a great tour guide, it was the others that were a bit of a mess.

Jason and Damien were yelling at each other and Tim was trying to calm them down.

After a while they showed me into the gym, and I felt better at the recognition of said room, but now that I was looking around I noticed all the swords on the wall in one corner.

I walked over and started inspecting them, Dick's voice becoming just a whisper in the wind.

I had to admit they were nice swords, there were so many varieties. I mean I couldn't help but observe. I was truly surprised though when I noticed one that looked familiar. I picked it up and instantly recognized it. It was nearly exactly like Riptide. Without thinking I started flipping it around.

That was when it was snatched out of my hands.

"Percy!" Dick's voice finally becoming clear.

"Hm?" I replied not exactly sure what was wrong.

"You shouldn't mess with these you know, you could hurt yourself!" Dick looked a bit worried " Not to mention you zoned out again"

"Oh, sorry, but I'm not a baby. I can handle myself. Plus it's not like I don't know how to handle a sword." I snatched it out of his hands and walked over to one of the dummies, messing around and slashing at it a bit.

The boys were silent before Damien walked up to me.

"Spar with me harlot"

Almost immediately the others started to protest.

"Damien don't be stupid! Bruce will kill you if something happens to he-" Dick was cut off by my reply.

"Sure" I shrugged.

"Percy! Stop! You're gonna get yourself killed!" This time it was Tim.

" Choose any weapon, I really don't mind" My voice was nonchalant and very different compared to the two boys on the sideline. Jason just seemed to be smiling, like a maniac might I add, but smiling nonetheless.

"Stop yelling, you miscreants! She knows what she agreed to" Damien sounded annoyed yet confident.

"Percy! He is trained, he knows what he is doing, so please just give up!" Dick tried to plead for the last time.

"I said it's okay!" I responded, I felt bad that I was worrying them but hey, I just met them, I can do what I want.


After Damien grabbed a katana, we both went into our separate stances, mine being a bit more defensive, seeing as though this is the first time I'll be going up against him. We had Jason countdown and as soon as he hit 1, Damien came forwards and tried to slice my leg, and let me just say if I were a newbie I would be in some major trouble cause he was aiming to hurt.

I quickly jumped over the blade and blocked some more of his attacks with my sword, I had to hold back meaning it was taking a lot of my concentration to not spill my secret. I would dodge, block and sometimes get a hit in. He kept getting blocked and he seemed to be getting more angry with every miss. He started speeding up so naturally I did the same. The world around me faded again, as I concentrated on him, I blocked an attack aimed for my arm, noticing in his rage he left his chest open, I quickly brought my sword down on his katana, obviously surprising him as I hadn't been attacking him before, this caused his grip on his sword to loosen.

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