Chapter eight

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Hinata Pov


Its damp and dark...

Grey walls facing each other without any windows in sight...

A door...

Is it locked?...where am i?

I tried standing up but my body feels heavy. 'Was it because of that drug?'
I lifted my hands to try and clear my vision when i heard metal clanging.

'Wait...why am i chained?! Where am i'. I started panicking yet i coudn't find my voice to shout for help.

I began squirming trying to remove the chains on my wrists but it wouldn't budge.

'Natsu!...did they do anything to her?! I have to get out of here'. I thought when i heard heavy footsteps across the door.

No one Pov

The unknown man waited for what seemed like hours and it was definitely not to Hinata's preference. Hinata felt like the man was preparing for either hell or salvation Hinata was supposed to face.

After who knows how long the man opened the door greeting the tangerine with a wide smile. You would think it was genuine if it wasn't for the collars and chains decorating his left arm and the tray of knives he was carrying.

That was a call for Hinata to crawl far away from the man as possible when he hit the wall. Fear embedded in his hazel eyes as the man placed the chains and tray on a table leaving the collar in his grasp.

Who knows what he'll do to him. And it was definitely not pleasant.

"W-where's Natsu?" Hinata tried to act tough even though he was shivering visibly.

"Funny...everytime someone wakes up in this room they always ask 'where am i' or 'who are u what did u do to me'. The man tried mimicking his supposed last victims with his raspy voice that didn't help with Hinata's shivering.

"W-where is s-she?" Hinata asked one more hoping to get an answer.

"Oh she's fine we won't do anything to her, yet."

Hinata felt a thorn stuck in his throat. He couldn't do anything right for his little sister. He's so weak and useless. And its eating him alive.

"You know, you should worry about yourself more." The man spoke,hint of  amusement on his tone as he opened up a collar. He looked at Hinata before forcibly putting it on his neck. Hinata choked as the man started dragging the chain of the collar outside making him follow. The already tight collar didn't help at all.

The door opened and revealed a long hallway with a tiny LED illuminating the dark path. It had slight similarities to the cell Hinata was in. Hinata took a mental note of the path even though it was useless with all the guards scattered every corner.

'This must be where they work.' Hinata thought as he glanced at each door they pass by. He didn't like how he was leashed like a dog so he needed to find anything to get his mind off it. Well, it was still a foolish attempt.

After minutes of walking and turning they stoped at a door blocking the hallway. 'That cell i was in must be the farthest one' Hinata's thoughts were cut as the man opened the door revealing his one and only father.

"Hello Shouyo. Remember our deal?" Hinata nodded in fear of what this man might do to him and his sister.

"That's good but..." Shindo cut off as he approached Hinata and breathed near his neck.

"Did you know you were 10 min late last time? That caused us to have 10 million yen worth dellayed transaction hmmm?" Shindo whispered as Hinata stopped breathing subconciously. His hazel eyes wide with fear water forming on its corners. It was a delightful sight for Shindo and the man who only smiled.

"Ichijo, bring him back to his cell. I know you're the best at teaching lessons." Shindo ordered his subbordinate before leaving Hinata stunned. The man, no, Ichijo grinned at his superior's approval.


"Huh?! What do you mean he is still on the move?! We already killed her!!"

"Yes but he is not showing any sign of errors sir."

"Then we'll try again. We'll crush him untill he wants to end this himself."

"We'll do everything if crushing that woman wasn't enough."


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