Chapter 24

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"So what's the plan?"

"Don't worry. All the pieces are already placed."

"What if it fails like the last time? That jerk still smiling- i just want him to break him~ ."



"I will be the one to crush him."

"You're no fun you know that?~"

"Eyes on our prey. The 2nd time those felines meet the feathered-"

"That long?! But we have the perfect time already!"

"Patience...and timing is our key this time."

"We dont want our little crow to get away do we?"


No one Pov

Piles of snow slowly melted along the pavements that a certain orangehead passed by. Each step getting lighter and lighter as the tangerine was certainly excited.

Well, he left his bike. He does not want to hurt his thighs any more than it already did.

He hummed just like any normal teenager would do. Happily tucking his lips upwards as the warm sunlight meets his skin.

Skin that was expertly covered in makeup.

His father- Shindo continued his training/ torture. He would constantly beat him up whenever he fails or even succeeds his kills.



Hinata didn't have a choice.

He had to.

Otherwise crimson despair would kill his sunshine.

His sister.

Every night he would lock himself in the bathroom, stare at the mirror, ask himself why he was doing it, and fight the urge to seek blood on his wrists.

It was normal for him.

It was the painfully normal life of Hinata Shouyo.

Atleast, that's what he made himself think.

Its what he did to stay sane.


'I'll kill him if he doesn't show up today.'

A certain beas- ravenette stomped his way to the clubroom. It has been a while since they did their freak quick because of hinata's 'family issues'.

And well... it made him irritated.

Because of that scowl stuck on his face for a long time, you would think it was magic that made his expression lit up.

Kageyama dashed his way to the clubroom the moment his ocean eyes caught a glimpse of orange, a sign that his partner was present.

He ran past hinata while the latter followed suit. Their usual compitition is back on.

"Oii! Stop cheating Bakayama!!!"

"You're just slow that's all!"

Needless to say the other team members who heard the commotion saw the genius setter smiling again.

Not the creepy smile.

The good kind of smile.

It made them feel giddy as well. More than enough to fuel them for practice.

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