Chapter 13

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After-school practice went by in a flash. Everything was normal including the constant bickering of the freak duo. Well, exept for the worried glances from the captain, vice and the blond middle blocker. Yamaguchi was of course curious but decided not to pry. Yet.

Sugawara Pov

He's acting normal though. Maybe we were just too worried. Paranoid. But something is up i can feel it somehow.

"Its soooooo ccoollldddd!" Tanaka said as he opened the exit. Well it is winter already.

"It is winter already." Ennoshita chimmed...'Thats what i said.'

I sighed and acknowledged the cold breeze embracing me. It was kind of calming if you aren't gonna stay there for long.

As we were walking someone sparked an unexpected question.

"Hinata is someone gonna pick you up? Its pretty cold for riding your bike."

It was nishinoya.

We knew it was for good intention but the bleached-tip second year was a bit too naive.

I shot him a death glare instinctively as he realized just how stupidly insensitive his question was i mean his mother just died because his mom decided to pick him up i mean it wasn't his fault---.

I was cut off my trance as hinata started to shake but eventualy calmed down.

"G-Gomen hinata im--"

"Its ok Noya-senpai." Hinata interupted him with a somehow convincing smile. But we can all tell how broken that was.

Before i knew it i hugged the tangerine close while the others looked at him pitifully. He probably doesn't want to feel pitiful.

"You're really stong you know hinata..." i whispered just enough for the team to hear as well.

Hinata Pov

"You're really stong you know hinata..." suga-senpai whispered in attept to calm me down.

I started sobbing quitely as he rubbed circles on my back.

'Im not strong...'

'Im sorry...'

'Im a liar...'

'I ain't strong enough!'

'Im sorry for existing.'

I kept hearing myself chant over and over again before i flipped them off and stopped sobbing.

'They're probably pitying me'.

"Thank u senpai." I managed to say before i rode my bike home waving them goodbye.

'Im sorry...'

No one Pov

Everyone watched as their bundle of sunshine dissappear and merge with the cold snow.

The team scolded noya as he kept apologizing guiltily. Everyone was bothered by the tangerine's behaviour. He acted too fine and just broke down suddenly like that. Sugawara was worried out of his mind. But they can't really do anything. Including the blueberry ravenette who drank his 6th carton of milk empty before squezing them. Poor milk carton.

Nothing can be discussed really. It was hinata's life and they can't do anything about someone...dead. It was all a cruel part of life.


They wouldn't wanna be dragged into hinata's nightmare-life.

They all dragged themselves home praying noya wouldn't kill himself.

Hinata's ride home was cold. Just...cold. Dead eyed looking straight ahead as he recalled unwanted memories.


Blood from his mom mixed with his own blood from the shattered glass.

His blood gushing out from his chest as his flesh gets torn apart rather precisely. He touched the scar which isn't exactly fully healed and traced it. The memory flashed again before he abruptly pryed his fingers away.

The last thing he needs is natsu's blood. And the thought left him with sleepless nights.

An hour passed and he parked his bike quietly. It was late. Very late.
Hinata was thankful natsu's in a sleepover with her study group. Natsu didn't want any friends to be dragged with them.

Unless shindo shot all of them out of spite.

He wouldn't just do that...right?

Just when he stepped inside, cold metal met his neck as his eyes widened. Shindo was waiting furiously at the door. He was basically murderous right now. Not like he isn't murderous all the time but this time was different. And a lot worse.

Shindo used the chains and dragged hinata who was in a coughing fit due to the already tight collar.

Unable to shout hinata helplessly followed and feared what as to happen.

Is he finally gonna kill him?


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