[9] The mind magic

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Without giving me much warning, Lisa's second hand snuck around my neck, forcing my face to tilt slightly upwards. She leaned down and our mouths connected. She molded her lips over mine possessively. But it was so warm and soft and I knew the taste of her lips would stay with me even when her touch was gone. The fluttering in my chest was out of control. It felt so good.

When Lisa pulled out of the kiss, she did not look at me but I noticed a very prominent blush on her cheeks that I had never seen before. Not this strong at least. Not even when we had slept with each other just one night ago.

Lisa's hands left me and the cold fear and the awful howling crept into my bones and into my heart again.

This isn't real. This isn't real.

I was barely able to hold on when I watched Lisa concentrate on Chaeyoung. Her eyes flashed ultraviolet. For a while nothing happened.

I sunk to my knees as the hallucinogenic fog fought with my willpower, trying to consume me once again.

This is not real.

Then, all of a sudden Chaeyoung took a very audible, deep breath like she had been drowning and this was the first air she got after almost too much time. Her eyes refocused and she looked around herself wildly, still gasping in shock.

"What.... what.... where.... Lisa!" Her eyes fell on her best friend just as Lisa crouched down in front of the girl taking her into an embrace.

"You're safe. You were only hallucinating." she told the shaking girl.

Chaeyoung calmed down a little more in Lisa's arms and then pulled away to look around.

"Jackson!" she gasped, getting out of Lisa's embrace to hurry over to her boyfriend who was kneeling on the ground with his head down and his shoulders shaking terribly. She threw herself onto his back and started shaking him.

"Baby! Jackson, Babe! You have to wake up from this!" I watched her eyes fill with tears as she pulled and tore at him without success. "Lisa do something!" Chaeyoung yelled out in a fresh wave of panic. "Where's Jennie? Can't she do something?"

Lisa pulled Chaeyoung off of Jackson and gathered her up in her arms again. "No, she can't. She's fighting it herself. I'm the only one who is not affected."

Chaeyoung's head snapped around and met my eyes as I kneeled on the ground, trying not to loose myself in the fear. "She is able to fight this? It was awful..." her tears spilled into Lisa's shirt.

"Then how did I... get out...?" she asked Lisa weakly.

"I'm protecting you... with my powers..." Lisa admitted quietly. Chaeyoung's eyes became wide.


"I don't want to hear it Chaeng. We have to get out of here!" Lisa cut her off harshly. She didn't even let Chaeyoung reply.

"I wasn't gonna s-" Chaeyoung began but was cut off by an involuntary whimper that had escaped my lips loudly. Their heads snapped around to me and Lisa let Chaeng go to make her way over to me. I saw her come near me and I reached my hand out for her desperately.

She interlaced our fingers when she was close enough and it felt like relief. The heavy, cold feeling crushing my chest was lifted away and I wanted to crawl into Lisa's lap and never let her go but now was not the time. If ever, I reminded myself.

Lisa sat down on the damp forest ground next to me and beckoned Chaeyoung to come too. The pink-haired girl's eyes flashed between Lisa and me suspiciously but she did not say a word.

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