[30] The right time to be romantic [M]

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I held my little witch close while we swayed gently next to the other two couples and Namjoon, who had the pleasure of dancing with both Jisoo and Chaeyoung  each for a little while. Jennie's warm fingers on my nape and the connection it let me have with her, was everything to me. I thought I actually felt every little flutter of Jennie's heart. She let me have all of it tonight. Not hiding or masking anything. 

She had even agreed to my date proposal and now she was just clinging to me, eyes closed and lips so close to the skin on my neck I could almost feel her. My whole being was screaming at me to kiss her. My body was vibrating from my very core with the need to make a move. But I wasn't sure how she'd react to that. We were surrounded by our friends and we hardly ever kissed when there were people around. 

I could ask her in my head so nobody else would hear. But asking permission for a kiss definitely took a bit of its magic away. I didn't want her to be nervous because of what was coming. I wanted her to enjoy the moment with me. 

I let my hand caress her back for a bit. Rubbing up and down her spine gently before I placed a kiss to her temple. She did not respond much but my powers picked up on her still feeling comfortable in my arms. Another soft kiss landed on her upper cheek bone. She puffed out a little breath of air while her lips turned upwards in a soft smile just the slightest bit. 

I landed another kiss further down on her cheek. And another one. And another one. Jennie slowly took her head off my shoulder and I could see her eyes falling open. Not giving up on my mission, I placed another soft kiss on the very corner of her mouth. I felt every single beat of my heart in my chest when her cat eyes met mine like she was asking what I was doing. 

But it was just a pretense because she actually understood my underlying intension. She pierced me with her steely blue eyes but didn't move. Our faces were so close. It would only take one quick move.

'Fuck it' I thought and leaned in slowly for a small and soft peck on her lips to test the water. It was too short for Jennie to actually kiss back but when I leaned back out she did not seem too surprised. I did it again without meeting her eyes. A tiny bit longer this time but it was still just a peck. A tentative one.

Her fingers retreated from their position on my nape when I leaned out the second time. Our eyes met only very briefly before she placed her hand on my cheek, her thumb pressing into my skin with intention and pulled me into herself. 

My chest felt like it was glowing warmly from the inside as I made contact with her juicy lips once more. Jennie was moving her heavenly lips over mine slowly and repeatedly. I let her set the pace, just holding on to her body to keep her close. Soon, her mouth opened against mine to lick my lips and suck them in between her teeth just a little bit. 

"Oh holy fuck, get a room you two!" I heard Jisoo scold us teasingly from some far away outside world that I had otherwise completely tuned out. It was just me and Jennie. My mate who I was so in love with, it was ridiculous. Nothing had ever been so fucking clear to me than what I felt for her right in this moment. 

"Oh wow...." I heard Chaeyoung snicker a little and then she started giggling with Jisoo. No doubt were they staring at us kissing but I couldn't care less. And thankfully my little witch didn't either.

Jennie's other hand snuck around my waist and pushed me against her even more. Not even a leaf would have fit in between us as she permitted my tongue into her mouth. I breathed in hard through my nose, taking in the scent of her milky skin and her flowy hair. 

There were a few things that we had already done that felt pretty fucking nice but if I was completely honest, nothing beat kissing her. Just kissing her and feeling the comforting weight of her body against me. 

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