[65] Coming home

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„Urgh..." I held my head right after Jennie let my hand go. I still wasn't used to travelling magically from one place to another within five seconds. I got dizzy from it. Especially since my body still felt robbed of energy. The fact that my mate and I hadn't exactly taken it easy last night, didn't help with that.

I was still injured and I felt deep inside that the effects of what the dark witch had done to me wouldn't just leave within a day or two. Even with my enhanced healing and our newly awoken full soulmate power.

"Honey, are you ok?" Jennie asked me with a worried look at my movement. I bit my lip and nodded but my mate read my true thoughts as soon as my mind voiced them out. She gave me an apprehending look for basically lying to her when it was completely useless to do so.

I raised my brows at her. "I am ok. Just not one hundred percent. But I'll live." I defended myself, shrugging. She wordlessly reached for my hand again and intertwined our fingers.

With her free hand she drew an invisible sign into the air in front of her. Vines and roots were immediately sprouting from the ground up to form a gateway. It was tall. Leaves were magically growing from the vines to make it look even more lush.

It was the fairy circle that Jennie had told me about. The circle that had helped rescue me and given my friends a place of refuge. I was kind of nervous to meet them all. I hadn't spoken to another fairy in a long time if you didn't count Elphias. Which I didn't because he basically betrayed Jennie and me, based on an old fashioned believe system. He deliberately kept us in the dark about the bonding. We could have died because of him!

Jennie had warned me about the fairies using their magic unbothered and freely within this circle. Once upon a time I had been used to that as well. But not anymore. Not since I shut my powers down when I joined this family.

To be honest, I was proud of Jennie for accepting their help. I knew that the mind fairies in the circle made her uncomfortable, reading her thoughts and feelings at will. She didn't have to tell me that. Her mind did it for her. It had taken her a long time to grow accustomed to my inability to shut her out, I knew exactly how much bravery it took for her to walk into a fairy circle where privacy of the mind wasn't a given.

A tall fairy boy with hair as fair as the sun stepped through the magic gate and greeted us. Another wave of nervousness overcame me.

"Come inside." He smiled at Jennie, obviously recognizing her and then looked at me with curious eyes.

"Thanks." Jennie bowed her head to him slightly and he returned the gesture. 

Hand in hand we walked through the gate.

Our surroundings shifted. 

My eyes adjusted to the change in light and I looked around in wonder. This circle was exceptionally beautiful. Round fairy houses overgrown by grass and moss with flowers growing on them. Butterflies were flying about. The air was sunny and warm. An instant calm washed over me but it wasn't overbearing. 

There were little streams winding their way through the circle, descending from a larger pond in the middle where a couple of fairies were actually swimming in. It felt cosy but it wasn't crammed. It was big, considering the fact that I didn't see too many fairies. It wasn't a densely populated circle. Jennie had told me that these were all runaway fayes that couldn't or wouldn't live within their birth circle anymore. For various reasons. The biggest one being the discrimination against fairies who found love within their own gender.

The blond boy led us towards a bigger house. I guessed it was the community one. Every fairy we passed was staring at me. Some of their eyes were flashing, getting a read on Jennie and me. I tried to ignore it the best I could, following Jennie whose hand I was holding tightly. 

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