[24] The storm

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I woke up to calling and shouting. I didn't really feel like I've slept all that long and it was still visibly nighttime. In the distance my ears picked up eerie howling. I blinked my eyes for a bit, trying to see if I was maybe still dreaming. But the howling was consistent.

My first thought were the wolves but I did not hear any growling or barking or actual screams from my friends. This kind of howling sounded like wind. Terribly strong wind. It seemed like it was storming outside but I did not quite understand the commotion our friends were making. We were protected from not only wolves but also from the outside weather here in this faye circle.  I groaned lowly and wanted to bury my face into my pillow more when Jackson suddenly invaded the privacy of mine and Jennie's cosy sleeping-nest.

He ripped the big leaves aside and towered over us, panting like he had just run a marathon. I felt Jennie stirr behind me. She had her face nuzzled in the dip between my shoulder blades, a leg between both of mine and I could feel her slim fingers softly pressing into my skin under my shirt just below my breasts. 

In any other scenario I would have loved waking up like this but not with Jackson standing over our bed, completely killing the vibe. 

"Lisa, you have to get up. There's something going on! It's bad!" His voice and face were in a panic but my still sleepy brain had trouble comprehending.

"What's wrong....?" Jennie grumbled into my back without lifting her head. 

"You have to get up now! Both of you! NOW!" Jackson bellowed. I was up and awake instantly. His lingering panic literally scared me awake and Jennie followed grumpy but alert. Our leader rushed outside again and we both put on some pants and shoes in a hurry before following. 

The howling was even more prominent out here and I looked up at the magical sky. It did not hold the calm twilight sky anymore but deep and dark swirling storm clouds. There was no lightning or thunder like I would have expected from the severe look of it. But I felt a bone chilling cold wind hit my face and my far too unprotected body. 

I saw Jennie wrapping her tiny arms around herself instinctively while she looked up at the sky like I was. 

"It's a storm... what's the big deal?" I asked, a bit mad that I was pulled out of the bed that me and my beautiful mate had shared so peacefully just five minutes ago.

"Lis, this is not the problem! This is!" Chaeyoung appeared in my vision pointing somewhere ahead of us and grabbed my wrist to pull me further to the back of the circle where the wind was apparently coming from. Jennie followed. Chaeng's hand was cold as ice.

She made us break out into a run. We passed by a house where terribly painstricken cries where coming from and it tightened my chest. It sounded like Hobe. And the fact that Jisoo was nowhere to be seen, corroborated my awful suspicion.

A lump formed in my throat at the thought of either Jisoo or J-hope being hurt. But I had no further time to think about it because then I saw it. Jackson, Suga and Namjoon were gathered, from a considerable safety distance though, in front of an actual hole in the magical shield that was protecting the circle. 

The howling out here was indescribable and whatever was going on outside was coming in through the huge rift. It wasn't just a storm, it was an ice storm. It had already invaded further into the circle, I could literally hear our surroundings freeze to icy blocks and it was steadily creeping closer. 

Chaeyoung let my wrist go. "Please do something." She told me with wide eyes and hurried off again towards where we came from. Only solidifying my suspicion even more that someone was hurt. Chaeng was our nurse. She had some medical knowlegde that had helped us out more than occasionally. But I wasn't sure how much she could do when it came to actual life or death. 

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