Bonus Chapter: Powerful for A Day

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This chapter is inspired by one of the comments in a chapter of this book.

After the graduation, the group is now moved out of their dorms to find an apartment to live in and now here they are, still in a apartment while trying to find a suitable job for them.

The only one that has gotten a job is only the eldest of them which are Chan and Woojin, while the rest of them are still on a job hunt decree.

Minho lets out a groan of frustration because most of the job he found are either already taken by other people or is not suitable for him. Like who would have someone like him work as a dog walker. Last time he actually made some trouble with the doggo by being "one of them" and since then he won't take those jobs for the sake of his disguise and to avoid embarrassment in public.

Still, it's been a whole day he searched for a suitable job and yet nothing comes around, "this is so frustrating," Minho covers his face and massage his temple out of tiredness.

He hears some footsteps behind him and someone hugs him from behind. He could hear the person's breathe that makes him calm, "hey hyung, let's take a rest first, alright? You've been working very hard, so you need some rest to keep you sane," and that person is Jisung.

It always happens to Minho, every time he's near Jisung or around him, he would feel really happy and calm with the sight of his mate beside him. Minho holds Jisung's arms around his neck and gives it a small pat of assurance, "no worries, Ji. I'm fine, I'm doing okay, it's just I'm trying so hard to help Chan and Woojin hyung, because they have been paying our apartment rent for months now and I don't want to be a burden to them too," Minho confess his tangling emotions to Jisung.

The squirrel like boy kisses Minho on the head and took a deep breathe of Minho's body scent, "how the frick you smell so good when you're literally turning into a wolf each night and rolling on the soil like a normal doggo," Minho chuckles at the younger's confusion, "I have my ways, wolf cub," Jisung just shrugged it off and continues to hug Minho.

They stayed in that position for around 30 minutes now, goddamn they're a maniac in loving each other.

When Jisung asks Minho about how did he still smell really good even though the werewolf always doing questionable things to his body, he then wonders to himself, "I wonder how it felt like to change into an animal and be wild and free in the nature," he could feel the breeze on the mountain top and the soft grass underneath his feet, "it must be nice being a half animal," Jisung thought.

As if your mate did not just got captured by some mad scientist to experiment their powers and what can they do.

Jisung thought about it once more and then he had a crazy idea he would do, "my wolf alpha, can I ask something?" Just by the nickname, Minho could know that Jisung is gonna ask him to do something weird, "what is it baby? What do you want now?" He turns his body towards Jisung looking at him while raising one of his eyebrows, "hehe... Hyung, is it possible if you... Maybe... Transfer some of your powers?" The last words of his sentence are inaudible even for Minho's half wolf sense, "what?" Minho looks at his partner confused, "I want you to... Transfer some of your powers to me," and again he couldn't hear it, "Jisung, please speak clearly, all that I could hear is just some squirrel stuffing his mouth with nuts-" "I WANT YOU TO TRANSFER SOME OF YOUR POWERS INTO ME IF YOU CAN," and then there's a second of silence between them.

Minho is startles by the sudden outburst and tries to process what Jisung just said, "hold up- you want me to transfer some of my powers INTO you?" Jisung smiles cheekily and Minho face palms at the squirrel boy, "yeah... More less like that," Jisung shows a small grin to Minho, "for goodness' sake, Ji! What do you think I am? A bank?! Playing transfer transfer as if it was that easy to lend a human some of my powers," Minho sighs because of the younger's weird request, "but you always transfer your future generations inside of me-" "SHUSH! Don't say it," Minho blushes at the spontaneous personality of Jisung.

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