Chapter 17: Heartbroken

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Prepare tissues

The day finally arrived.

They went back to college and study over and over again (and on and on~ we'll go~~~ continue!).

Lunch time...
The werewolves arrived faster than before so they wait for their mates.

As they innocently wait, a girl named Mimi sit with the boys, "hey babe..."

"What the- hmmmmph"

Mimi cut off Minho with a kiss, but Minho didn't kiss back. He tries to push Mimi away but he can't

Jisung's POV
I walked down the corridor as I saw...

M-Minho is kissing a girl...

I can't hold it so I ran off crying.

Narrator's POV
The werewolves had enough of this. Minho immediately turned so angry as he saw Jisung running away crying. He pushes Mimi to the ground, and she land with her back.


Chan's POV
Did Minho just...

Hurt the girl!

Meh... she deserves it anyways

"Minho run to Jisung! We'll take care of her!"

As I looked back, I saw Fanny and Y/N with angry face looking at Mimi.

Minho's POV
I have to catch to Jisung!

Narrator's POV
Jisung ran as fast as he could into the forest. It's the place where nobody could find him.

But then, he heard some noises. He looked back and saw Minho running towards him. He ran faster than he could, 'I can't take it anymore... he played with my heart all this time... ' he thought as he cried.

Minho run faster as he waste all for his energy left to catch Jisung. He jumped to Jisung and they both tumbled together and stopped to a tree with Minho pinning Jisung against it, "what are you DOING?! LET ME GO! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU! LET ME GO! Jisung shouted very loud as he squirms out off Minho's grasp.

Minho growls deeply as he looked at Jisung's panicked face, "listen to me baby Squirrel! I don't even get a chance to explain it to you!"

"Explain what? You kissed that girl! And I don't need any explanation!"


Jisung calmed down as Minho shouts at him. He started crying again at the sudden shock.

"That girl is the one who kissed me and I didn't even kiss her back,"

Jisung cried even louder

"I tried to push her but I can't... I didn't even like her a bit because I only thought of one special person who changed my life and it's... you..."

Jisung cried and cried as a waterfall of tears fall from his eyes. He hugged Minho tightly like he's going to say goodbye, "I thought you're bored of me... I thought you left me and didn't love me anymore," he sobs and sniffs.

"All those thoughts are wrong baby... so please Jisung... I love you and not anybody else," Minho said as his thumb and second finger holds Jisung's chin.

Minho closes his eyes as he leaned forward, Jisung did the same. The gaps between the are closed, and they kissed.

The emotions of sadness, anger, guilt, love, happiness and passion are mixed into one.

Minho break the kiss as he whispers something that makes Jisung's heart pound faster, "may I...

mark you? "

Jisung's eyes sparkled 1000× brighter than any other stars.

"Yes..." (of course it's a Yes or Yes! Stan TWICE)

Minho slowly leaned to Jisung's neck preparing it by licking, kissing and sucking it, "ah aha~ M-Minho hyung ah~" Jisung moaned as he sensed the powerful pleasure at his neck.

His hand is at Minho's head, pushing the older to suck him more, "you ready baby? It's gonna be hurt for awhile..."

Jisung nods as he felt a sharp pain through his neck, "ngh AH! Minho~~~" he moaned as Minho bite deeper.

"It's done... you're all mine now..."

"I'm yours Minho hyung,"

An hour later...
They both went back to the campus as they saw students looking at them jaw dropped and shocked.

"Hi babe... you're finally back," Mimi said as she pushed Jisung and hugs Minho's biceps. Jisung looked so sad again as he saw them both.

"Fuck off Mimi! You're not even my girlfriend!" Minho said as he pulled his arms away from Mimi, "you are my boyfriend from today... since I stole your first kiss..."

Jisung laughs at Mimi as Minho smiled at Jisung, "excuse me? I think you're too late girl..." Jisung said as he walks seductively to Minho and wraps his arms around Minho's neck, "hmmm... baby let's go somewhere else... I'm tired..." Minho smirks as he saw the hottest thing in front of him.



The whole college gasp as the scene... The famous and popular Lee Minho just slapped a girl...

"Fuck off Mimi... you're not even my girlfriend, so why don't you just quit from the college and went to the club so you can be a slut there and not wasting your parents' money? Hmmm? That's a great idea right?" Minho smiles satisfied as he wraps his arms around Jisung's waist.

"Oh and FYI, my first kiss is not you slut! My baby Jisungie is my first kiss and there's nothing you could do about that!" Minhk scoffed as Jisung smiles happily at Minho.

And at the back, there's the crying slut only asking for Minho to come back which doesn't even work.



Jisung hugged Minho softly.

"Thank you..."

Minho smiled and he place a kiss on his baby's forehead.

"You're welcome wolf cub..."

They both walked to the dorm with each other's hands holding.

To be continued...
A few more chapters and The End😭

This book is going faster than Mythic: Minsung ff 😭😭😭

Thank you!!!


Stay tuned💖💖💖

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