Chapter 3: Teasing

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After the long day at college, Jisung and his is going to talk about something at the cafe they ate dinner yesterday, "guys... this is bad..." Seungmin started, "let's say it in unison, okay? Three... two... one..." Felix said as everyone started to shout





Everyone just stared at each other... "wow... our old bullies are back... which is the worst nightmare I'm going to have!!!" Jeongin said and bang his head to the table, "Hyunjin's back and he's started to flirt with me again!" Seungmin said while resting his head on his arms, "Changbin's back and he's stalking me and follow me everywhere I go..." Felix said while sighing, "Minho's back... and he's kinda up to something now... idk," Jisung said worriedly, "let's just finish our dinner and shrug it off," Jeongin said and everyone nod in agreement.

"Hi boys... have more seats here?" A voice come from Jisung's back said. The four are so quite, Jisung look back and saw Minho standing while smirking to Jisung, "idk..." Jisung said, "but... there's five more seats here," Changbin said.

The four have to sit side by side their bully, "why are you all so quite? Please talk..." Minho said "sweetly" to everyone including Jisung, "n-nothing..." Jisung laughed nervously, "well... it's getting darker so we better get going!" Jisung said and he instantly dragged Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin out of the cafe, "wow... this is going harder than I thought... I like it..." Minho smirks as he think what game should he play with Jisung, "looks like I'm going to play a little game with the squirrel..."

At the dorm...
Minho and Changbin follows the twins to the dorm after he and Felix bring the manages back to their dorm, "why are you two following us?" Felix asked scarcely, "I should've asking you a better question..." Minho said.

Felix went into his room, and so as Changbin... wait...

Are they both... roommates? Felix is really in great danger...

Minho went inside Jisung's dorm too...

Jisung's POV
What the heck is Minho doing here?! This me and my roommate's room! "You must be asking why I went into your room..." h-how did he know that?

Minho suddenly points to the luggage that I saw before, "you better take a closer look at the cat keychain..." I walk closer to the cat keychain which I can't read the scribbles on it and when the keychain hit the light, I can read it...

W-what...? It's written 이민호 which is Minho's name in Hangul...

If this is his suitcase it means... he's my... roommate?

Narrator's POV
Minho smirks as he saw Jisung's shocked face. He then lift Jisung up and carry him on his shoulder, "h-hey what are you doing?! Put me down! Put. Me. Down!!!" Jisung said while squirming to jump off Minho's shoulder, "awww... baby squirrel wants to escape?" Minho said as he throws Jisung to his bed and hovering on top of Jisung, "w-what are you d-doing," Jisung said scared.

Minho watches the weak boy's face as he is frightened, he's still so beautiful even though he is scared. Minho get closed to Jisung's ears and whispered seductively, "I miss you baby squirrel... can't wait to play a little game with you..." Jisung's eyes went wide as Minho said that.

Minho went down to Jisung's neck and start licking it like a wolf bathing his wolf cub, "M-Minho... what are you doing~?" Jisung is started to sweat even though, the game has only started a while, "already sweating huh?" Minho asked and he continues to lick Jisung's neck, but this time, he started kissing it and nibbling it creating red "bruises", "ngggh... s-stop Minho... p-please~" Jisung moaned in pleasure as Minho sucked his weak spot creating a big red mark on it and whispers to Jisung's ear, "you're mine wolf cub... and I will hurt anybody who tries to do this to you other else than me..." he says in a deep tone and leaves Jisung on his bed shocked.

'I'm his? What does that mean...? ' he thought, "you better change into your sleeping clothes, because you need full energy to go to college tomorrow," Jisung flinched when Minho said that. He's never been so kind, caring and gentle to him, usually he will be evil, uncaring and harsh to him. 'Well... at least he's different now... '

Jisung changed into his hoodie and boxers at the bathroom, but what he didn't know is...

Minho is only wearing a boxer which show his torso and thighs and made Jisung blush madly and instantly run into the bathroom, "hOLY wATer! wHAt did I jUst SAw?!"

Minho's POV
Jisung is so cute when he blush...
I chuckled quietly as his reaction and I think he's inside there wondering what did he just saw...

Maybe he enjoy seeing me like this...
To be honest, he looks cute and hot when he wears only a hoodie and boxer💖

Jisung's POV
"hOLY wATer! wHAt did I jUst SAw?!" I said quietly while squealing inside.

Minho is so hot! I can't believe his body is that built! I need HOLY WATER!!! Anybody please give it to me!😭

Narrator's POV
Minho went to the bathroom door and knocked on it gently, "baby squirrel? Come on... go out... I know you like what you just see..." not a second later, it opened and reveals the still blushing Jisung, "awww... do you want to sleep with me tonight and cuddle?" Minho asked which made Jisung's eyes went wide. 'Sleeping with him when he doesn't wear anything beside a boxer? What the...' Jisung thought, "okay..."

Minho carried Jisung bridal style to his bed and put him gently beside him and hugged Jisung and surprisingly Jisung hugs back and turns out, eventhough Minho's body is built, it's still so soft... "good night wolf cub... don't let the vampires bite..." Minho whispers to Jisung's ears gently which made Jisung instantly sleepy, "good night, Minho..." and he snores to sleep while Minho is caressing Jisung's beautiful long Orange hair and went to sleep with Jisung in his arms.

To be continued...

Another chapter! Hope you guys like it! And sorry for all of the mistakes I did...

Thank you!!!


Stay tuned💖💖💖

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