Chapter 20: Let's Free Them!

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Narrator's POV
They had riding for about an hour now. They finally found an entrance without guards, it's a window at the second floor. For awhile, they will hide at a nearby shrubs, "thank you so much for your help wolves... we wouldn't be here sooner if you all didn't gave us a ride. Thank you so much, I promise I will free your Alpha," Jisung said to the wolves. The wolves bowed to Jisung as they said something to him. Seungmin started translating again, "they said it's an honor to help our Alpha's mate and it would be a great pleasure if you became the Alpha's side ruler," Seungmin translated, "thank you for your kindness, fellow wolves. I'll see you after I free the Alpha," Jisung said as the wolves sniffed and ran away.

"Alright guys, so we have to go up there, the window without getting busted by the guards," Seungmin explained, "but, how can we climb up there?" Felix asked. They observed the building as Woojin had an idea to get in, "Seungmin! Do you have any rope?" Woojin asked while Seungmin trying to searched for the rope, "here it is! But, what for?"

"Jeongin, get back to your fox form, bring this rope, and jump to that window. Can you make it?" Woojin gave the rope to Jeongin as he transformed to his fox form, "I think I could make it..." Jeongin then ran, and as he is near the building he jumped and grabbed the edge of the window, trying to climb up. He did it!

"Great job, Jeongin!" Jisung exclaimed. Jeongin bites one end of the rope and one end is thrown to the ground for the others to climb. Jeongin tied one end of the rope to a nearby post as he helps strengthen it by biting the rope.

The others succeeded to climb up the window. Now, it's time to find that laboratorium and free the werewolves. Felix used the device again to detect where's the man now. The man is in the laboratorium with the werewolves, mocking at how weak they are.

They went pass rooms, corridors, even almost get busted by a patrol guard! Luckily, the device has enemy scanning, so the could know if there are guards or not. (A/N: wow... Seungmin is so smart!).

After turns and running, they finally arrived at the laboratorium. They peeked a little at what's inside there, and there it is...

"Chan, Hyunjin, and Minho!" Jisung exclaimed happily as he saw them, but they're so weak now... it's like their powers are getting unusable now, "we must hurry and free them! They looked so weak..." Jisung said quietly. It would be impossible if they just barged in, because the man that kidnapped them is guarding them inside there.

"Look up! There's a vent! We can use it to go inside the lab," Jeongin said, "how can we get up there?" Seungmin asked as they think what should they do to reach it, "The rope Seungmin!" Woojin exclaimed. He throw the rope for Jeongin to bite as the little fox jumped up to the vent, "let's go guys! Guards are coming this way!" Seungmin checked his device that the guards are coming closer to their way.

Well... they managed to get inside the vent though...

They crawled through the vent and suddenly Jisung stopped right up the lab. The group saw and heard what the man is talking about.

"Well, well, well... get weaker inside there, huh?" The man mocked them, "you'll never win... *grunts* my mate and his friends will come here to save us! Just watch!" Minho said as the male chuckled, "do you think your own mate would save you after you bullied him when he was in high school, huh? Pathetic!" The man scowled at them making them all growled, especially Minho, "I know he will go after me! You're just trying to make my hopes disappear!" Minho shouted.

The man chuckled evilly as the group hid in the vent with anger, "you know that he's your mate? So why did you bully him? You're so pathetic! Thinking that your loved ones is gonna rescue you all after what you did to them!" Minho groaned as he tried to stand up, "you wanna know why I bully him? It's because my family didn't accept me just because I'm gay!" Minho shouted making Jisung startled.

Jisung remembered that voice, the voice when Minho beat him up. It makes his mind go wild as he remembers those bad memories, "I love my mate so much that I don't want to leave him, until my family knew my mate was a boy, they pushed me and manipulate me to bully him!" Minho said as he started to tear up. He started to banged the glass wall as his sadness take control of him, "it's such a painful memory where I have to see him everyday just to get bullied by me... his own mate..."

Jisung started to cry too, they all are... "I love my mate... everyday I met him, I just want to love him, hug him, kiss him, even mating with him... I just want to feel loved and love others..." Minho said through his sobbing.

Jisung can't believe that all these years, his bully is actually his true love before and after Minho bullied him...

Jisung can't hold it anymore. He opened the vent and punched the man right at his head, knocking him out.


Jisung looked at the now sobbing Minho, "Minho..." Jisung started to cry as he approached the glass cube knocking at the walls.

"You came here just to rescue me?" Minho asked while crying.

Jisung nodded as their hands and forehead touch each other from each other side of the glass, "I love you so much Min... please... don't think that I didn't love you after all these years!" Jisung said while crying.

"Jisungie... my sweet baby squirrel, my wolf cub, I love you too..." Minho said.

Jisung cried louder as he stared Minho with loving eyes and same as Minho, but then...


It was too late...

Jisung has been stabbed by the man. The others can't do anything now, and the whole gang is filled with fury. Jeongin is really angry now, he rushed to the man in his Kitsune form and fight him. Jeongin succeed to hurt the man.

Woojin and Seungmin freed the werewolves out if their cells. Felix is now holding the now bloody Jisung, "Jisung... please don't leave me! You're the only brother I ever had and I love you so much! I can't hold it when I saw another person I love dying in front of me! Please Jisung... survive for us..." Felix said through his tears as he holds Jisung's hand.

Minho can't take this anymore, he lost a lot through his life. First his family, now his mate. Minho hugged Jisung as the younger started to get colder, "please Jisung... stay with us..." he whispered as he cried again.

They arrived at the hospital on time. Minho has raged out as he wanted to see his Jisung. They waited for Jisung outside now, and since the hospital is the same one where Changbin is, Felix decided to visit Changbin and told him everything. Changbin is outraged by what Felix told him, he tried to comfort the crying Felix now.

It has been 3 hours they waited for Jisung, they waited to see if their friend, their brother, their mate, come out alive or not.

Finally, after half an hour later, the doctor came out to announced Jisung's state now...

"How's Jisung doctor? Please tell me he's alright... please..." Minho said with tears in his eyes as the doctor sighed.

"Well... we tried..."

To be continued...

I'm sorry to hanged it like this I also can't stand our baby Jisung is hurt!

Comment what will happen next!

Will Jisung die or live?

Thank you for reading! STAY tuned💖💖💖

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