Chapter 2: Hello Nightmare

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The sunlight woke Jisung up from his sleep. He groaned and get stretched his arms, "ugh... first day of college... better get dressed and pick Felix up..." he said with a low voice and he looked to the bed beside him and saw that it was messy, "looks like my roommate woke up earlier than me..."

He had a shower, get dressed and packed for college. He instantly went to Felix's dorm to pick him up, "Lix? Are you done yet?" He asked and Felix jumped in front of him with smiley face, "let's go!" He exclaimed.

"Ji... have you seen your roommate yet?" Felix asked curiously, "I haven't seen him he left earlier than me," "mine too..." Felix replied with a pout. He's so curious about his roommate...

At the cafeteria, Felix bought a donut while Jisung bought a cheesecake for breakfast, "let's go to class after we eat breakfast!" "Ji, my first lesson is dance practice, what about you?" Jisung checked his schedule and saw he has a rap class for his first lesson, "mine's rap class..." Jisung said while chewing his cheesecake.

At the class...
"Good morning students! Today we're going to do some introduction, I'm Mr. Min and I'm going to teach you rap," the teacher said. He has milk white skin and mint hair, he's kinda cool...

A minute later...
"And last... Han Jisung! Please introduce yourself," he said as Jisung stands up, "hi... my name's Han Jisung, I wanted to become an idol because I love to rap..." Jisung said with a shy voice, "thank you, Jisung... please sit down,"

As he sat down, he hears somebody giggling. He searched for the source of the giggle and there's two boys giggling and whispering to each other about something, but Jisung couldn't hear anything. He heard them saying 'nerdies' and 'game' which made Jisung confused.

But then, he sees one of the boys' face which turns out is... Felix's old bully...

Jisung's POV
Oh no... it's him! I hope he didn't find Felix or else, he will continue to bully Felix...


If he is here then that means...

My old bully is here...?

No... it can't be true... he might be in a different college or something... after all, he is older than me and might've graduate college now, right?

Let's just see later... I should concentrate more on my studies than those bullies.

Narrator's POV
Skip to recess...
"Guys! This is bad..." Felix exclaimed as the three turn their heads to him, "I've just saw Chan and Woojin from my dance class..." as Felix said that, Jeongin choked on his drink and stare at Felix widely, "w-what?" "Don't worry my baby Jeongin, I will protect you..." Seungmin said while calming Jeongin down, "to be honest guys... I saw another person in my rap class..." Jisung started, "it's... your old bully Felix..."

Felix's breath hitched at the word bully. He started to space out, traumatized by the memories as Jisung hugged him while trying to calm him down, "shh... shh... it's okay Felix... it's okay... I'll protect you... okay..." Jisung said that and kisses Felix's forehead to calm him down, "thanks, brother... you're the best brother that I ever had..." Felix said as he hugged his twin tightly.

"Well... at least you didn't meet Minho, Ji..." Jeongin said as he suddenly remembers the name, "oh my God... I'm so sorry, Ji!" "It's okay Jeongin... we will protect each other no matter what, promise?" They all nod in agreement.


"Oh HEll nAw! I'M LATE FOR CLASS! BYE KIDS!!! HAVE FUN!!!" Jisung shouted as he scampered to his class, "why did he sound like he left us at the playground while this is a fricking college?" Jeongin said, "meh... same old Jisung..." Felix said while smiling at his twin.

As Jisung run and run, he didn't where he was going until...


"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" Jisung gasped as he saw the face of the person, "M-M-M-M... Minho...." his eyes is full of fright as he saw Minho's face, "hello wolf cub, we meet again... finally..." Minho smirks as he saw the now terrified Jisung, "you better get going to class now, or we won't have enough time for fun later..." Minho said while looking at Jisung like a prey he was craving for years.

Jiusng instantly run to his class. Luckily, he made it on time...

He crossed him arms and rest his head on it, 'why do I have to meet him again...?' He thought as he wants to cry at the memories, but he can't...

If he cry, people would laugh at him and call him weak and worthless...

That's what his old highschool classmates say to him...

'From all the people in the world... why do I have to meet him again...?'

To be continued...

Another fast update! Hope you like the chapter and sorry for all the mistakes I did...

Well, see you guys on the next chapter!

Stay tuned💖💖💖

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