Chapter 16: Mate

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'Jisung! Stop thinking unholy stuffs! Holy shit!!! He's so hot... ' Jisung thought while staring at the sleeping Minho, "take a picture baby Squirrel it'll last longer..." Minho said in a raspy voice, "morning baby..." he give a kiss to Jisung which made him go mad.

10 minutes later... or so...
The werewolves and humans are talking while sitting on the soft green grass.

"Changbin... why did you fall when I touched your mark?" Felix asked suddenly as the wolves stiffed.

"I'll explain it slowly..."

The werewolves explained that they are their mates. Changbin's Felix, Minho's Jisung, Hyunjin's Seungmin and Chan's Jeongin and Woojin.

"M-Minho is my m-mate?" Minho nods as Jisung asked that, "I can't believe it... my soulmate is a werewolf," Jisung's eyes sparkled as he saw Minho. Minho's eyes just slightly shined blue-mint as he gets closer to Jisung and their foreheads touched each other as Jisung held the back of Minho's head and kissed him passionately.

"Okay... now are you both done yet?! Channie is tired from covering our baby's eyes," the two stopped kissing as they tried to hole their laugh. Chan is covering Jeongin's eyes to shut, "Woojinie hyung! Channie can I look now? It's so uncomfortable here!" Jeongin said while trying to get away, "alright baby... you may go," Chan said while opening Jeongin's eyes.

Jeongin instantly back hugged Chan and jump onto him like he wants a piggyback ride, "Channie! Gimme a wolfyback ride!" "Hold on Jeongin! We're gonna... SOAR!" Chan said while running faster than a Flash could, "CHANNIE! SLOW DOWN! MY POOR BABY!" Woojin shouted as he sprint to Chan And Jeongin, "WEEEEE!!! FASTER CHANNIE!" Chan went faster as Jeongin said that, "WAAAAAIIIIITT!!!"

The others laughed as the trio messing around.

After the trio have fun together, they decided to go back to the college because they're afraid their teachers are gonna be mad at them.

The college...
After they arrived... there's no students in the hallways because you know... hehe...

The werewolves only wear wrecked boxers which looks like an underwear to their mate's pervert eyes (except Jeongin).

They went to the dorm fast and took a shower, change their clothes and went outside.

They saw the students are at the dorms hanging out. Felix asked one of them why is everybody at their dorms and one of them said, "the teachers are having a day off for three days which means, no college for three days!" He said.

So the nine, yes the nine decided to hangout at Jisung and Minho's dorm since theirs are more cleaner and tidier than the others...

Want a pic?
Changlix's dorm: TWICE posters are everywhere even scattered on the floor

Seungjin's dorm: soft dolls are everywhere untidyly

WooJeongChan's room: full of cutted papers with paints, glues and glitters

Minsung's room...
"Guys! Who wants snacks and drinks? I have some Doritos and milk if you want!"

And of course the bottoms take the milk (except Woojin, he's just silently bring coffee to Minsung's room), "ummm... if you mix a horse's DNA with the DNA of rhinoceros that made their horn grew and mix it with light smelled perfume and glitters, will it become a unicorn?" Jisung asked.

(A/N: that's me at school, if I'm imagining what would I invent if I'm a scientist LOL)

"What drugs are you on?!" Minho asked as Felix shrugged, "he's drinking milk drug Minho... milk drug... and he's gonna get sugar rush in 3... 2... cover your ears 1,"


To be continued...
Another chapter!!! Sorry if it's short... I don't Know what to write...

Anyways thank you!!!


Stay tuned💖💖💖
Nine or none! Stray Kids forever!

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