Chapter 22: Alive

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I've read all of your comments, I decided to made a happy ending instead of sad ending. I was about to make a sequel for the sad ending, but I'll still wrote the sequel for the happy ending too! So ENJOY!💖💖💖

It's been 1 year since Jisung fell in coma and it's almost his birthday. The group decided to celebrate his birthday at the hospital. Felix brought Jisung's favorite cheesecake, the others are preparing for the celebration, and Minho bought a squirrel plushie Jisung always wanted.

The gang still went to school, but it's so quiet without Jisung, it felt uncomplete without him. Since Jisung is asleep, many girls tryna hit on Minho and tried to replaced Jisung, but Minho's love for Jisung is more powerful than ever, so all of that just go away.

A girl even almost kissed him, but luckily Minho pushed her and went away, ignoring her shouts. The principal learned to become more responsible for every of his student since Jisung and Felix's parents know he's in coma and promised to them that he will protect his student at all cost. Heck, he even put censor camera on every inch of the school with stable CCTVs to watch the students' activity.

14th September, Jisung's birthday...
'It's the day today... *sigh* I missed you so much my baby squirrel... ' Minho thought as he watched the view from the dorm room window.

He turned his head back as memories flashed through his mind, he even heard Jisung's voice throughout those memories...

"Baby squirrel? Come on... go out... I know you like what you just see... "

"Wolf cub~"

"Wolf cub... I brought you cheesecake!"

"A reward for my little baby squirrel for being a good baby..."

"It's fun today isn't it? It will be the greatest memory between all of us..."

Minho started to cry as he heard Jisung's voice in his head.

"I love you hyung..."

"I love you too... Wolf cub..."

Minho smiled as tears streaming down his face.

He then heard the twin's parents car outside. He bring his gift and went outside and not forget to lock his and Jisung's room.

He went into the car and off they go to the hospital. Throughout the ride, it was quiet, but the silence turned into soft chatting between Minho and the twin's parents. It was kind of awkward, especially when they knew Minho is a werewolf.

They arrived, and the gang instantly went to Jisung's room.

There he was, still sleeping peacefully after 1 year...

"Hi Wolf cub... do you miss me? I miss you so much baby..." Minho whispered as he puts Jisung's favorite flowers in a pretty vase. Jisung's favorite... Roses and Night Queens... he loves the scent and the beauty of those flowers.

Felix brought the cheesecake and set it on the table, "happy birthday Jisungie... I know you love cheesecake so much, so I actually tried to made one for you, but I failed... so I just bought you one," Felix said laughing while tears streaming down his face, "hope you love it brother..." he said as he started to hugged Jisung, crying and same as Minho. They both cried on Jisung.

Hours have passed as they are in Jisung's hospital room. They talked gently with the sleeping Jisung about how are they in these one year. Changbin is now Felix's boyfriend and he became the captain of the soccer team at college! Hyunjin and Seungmin are now an official couple too! They are happier than before eventhough sometimes Hyunjin could get a little naughty... on bed😏😏😏. Woojin, Chan, and Jeongin now lived a happy life just like the others as they opened up a Café. Woojin Loves baking and Chan love experimenting on drinks too... so they decided to open a café along with Jeongin who also sells candies at the café for little children. While Minho... it's been tough on him, but he succeed to become the Alpha of his pack and decided to wait until Jisung was awake so he could see his Minho crowned as the Alpha.

It's already night time... the others decided to have a sleepover at Jisung's room. Luckily, Seungmin created and invisible badge which can make them go invisible if one of the nurse are going to check on Jisung.

Tonight is the full moon... the werewolves had turned into wolves as they went to the window and howled. The badge can also mute the voice from people so they won't get busted. Minho slept beside Jisung as he looked at him sleeping peacefully. He can't hold it anymore... he cried as he howled, howling Jisung's name, 'Jisung...' he thought as he howled again.

As he stopped howling, the moon began to shine brighter as Minho's mark shines iridescently just like the moon. The whole room is lit up by the light as Minho turned into a human with his mark from both of his forearm glows softly in the room. As his mark shines, a spark of red, orange, and yellow shine from Jisung and it shines brighter as Minho got closer and closer to him, closing the gap and kissed him passionately.

The light between them both creates a spiral of light, waking up the other members, "it's so bright... and beautiful..." Felix whispered as he eyed the two kissing couple.

Minho then pulled back and the light faded as the moon's light dimmed. Minho looked at Jisung with a smile on his face...

The sun began to rise...

Its light shines on Jisung's beautiful face, and as the sun shines on the horizon, Minho felt something moving underneath him as he called up to Jisung's name, "Ji... Jisung?" And just like that, Jisung's eyes began to move as a pretty hazel colored iris and black pupil sparkled through the light, "JISUNG!" Minho shouted as he hugged the now awakened Jisung, "Jisung's awake... JISUNG'S AWAKE!!!" Felix cheered as the whole room inactivate the invisibility badge and jumped.

Hyunjin called the doctor to check on Jisung, "how's he, doctor?" Minho asked as he smiled beside Jisung, "he's now healthy and he can go home this afternoon after he had his breakfast and vitamins," he said as he smiled to Minho and the others and leaves the room. Minho looked back at Jisung as the squirrel boy looked at him happily, "hey wolf cub... how are you now?" Minho said soothingly, "I'm fine now... because of you..." Jisung said as he pulled Minho into another kiss.

"I love you, my wolf cub... my mate... my love... Jisungie..."

"I love you too... hyung..."

They said as they rest their foreheads on each other.

"Oh COME ON! STOP WITH THE CHEESY BITES Y'ALL LOVE BIRDS!" Felix shouted breaking the dramatic scene as Woojin hit him with a pan, "you always ruin beautiful scenes just like in the book next door!" Woojin huffed as Felix began to get drunk by the hit.

To be continued...

Update YEET! Finally after weeks of procrastinating... I finally did it!

Anyways... there's 2 chapters left! And maybe... I'll write a sequel for this! And I think the sequel to Mythic is going to be postponed because I'm confused with the storyline because I'm gonna follow the storyline of both Yomawari game. But... I'm gonna try my best!

Thank you for reading! STAY tuned💖💖💖

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