Chapter 1: College

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"WAKE UP FORTNITE FELIX!!! FIRST DAY OF COLLEGE! Wait... have you packed yet?" Jisung shouted at his brother's ears as Felix shot his eyes up, "HOLY VICTORY ROYAL! I HAVEN'T PACKED!!!" "THEN YOU SHOULD PACK NOW!!!" Jisung instantly bring Felix's luggage into their room and they just throw all of Felix's necessary stuff into the luggage.

"Have you charged your laptop and phone yet?" Jisung asked Felix with sweat on his face, "of course I have! A real gamer never let their electronic devices low battery when they play it!"

Felix put his phone and laptop into his backpack, "will we get free Wi-Fi there?" Jisung facepalmed as Felix asked that, "of course there will be! Free Wi-Fi for students! You didn't hear what mom says yesterday?" Felix shake his head as a no, "fine... just- let's go down, have breakfast and scamper to find our dorm room!"

They went down in a hurry which made Felix trip and fell to Jisung and they roll downstairs and land with a 'BANG'. Their mother flinched as the sound came on, "you both twins should stop doing that! What if your boyfriend sees you like that and he will broke up with you?!" They both stand up and nod.

Their mother accept her sons as gays as well as their father. Their parents supports LGBTQ+ community. Their mother is the head of LGBTQ+ community while their father is a CEO of a human protection organization and he stands for all outsiders like LGBTQs.

"Well, we're late! Bye mom!!!" They both say goodbye to their mother, "goodbye boys! See you at weekends!"

The two boys bring their backpack and luggage into the taxi and they drive to the college.

After a long ass ride...

They finally arrived at the college.

They college is a gigantic building with lots of students (of course). They instantly went to the principal's office for reregistration.


"Come in!" A sound of a man came from the office, they enter the office and saw the principal smiling warmly at them, "hello boys! Here for reregistration?" The twins nod their head as the principal searched for their files, "so... you're Han Jisung and Lee Felix?" They both nod again, "well... since you both are twins, I put you both in separate rooms but next to each other," the principal smiles as he handed the two their dorm key.

They both walked through the corridor of the dorm building. Their room are at the ninth floor, so they use the elevator, "here's my room! 914," (guess what that means) "here's mine! 915," (same) they both entered Felix's room first, "Wow... (she's hot... hot hot #jeogiyonoonaheogshinamjachinguisseoyo, OK I'll stop)

Felix's room has two beds, one near the window that accessed to the balcony and one near the lamp post. The two beds are side by side. There's a study table which is enough for two people and a TV! Plus 4 electric socket, a wardrobe and a bathroom with a shower and a sink with side counters that can be used for putting his bath utilities.

When they entered Jisung's room, there's another luggage that is beside the bed near the window (Felix's and Jisung's room are similar), "hmmm... your roommate must've already arrived earlier," Jisung looked closer to the luggage, "this looks familiar..." he spotted a cat keychain with a hangul word on it, but he can't see it since the keychain is black, "meh... we shouldn't touch what's not ours, brother..." Felix holds his brother's shoulder, "well... let's go to the student orientation! I hope we're not late..." Jisung nods and they went to the field for the student orientation.

"Welcome students! To your first day at college! Today, you all WON'T start studying, but you will have a tour around the college! Enjoy!" The principal said and the twins instantly run around the college and they saw familiar faces, "SEUNGMIN! JEONGIN!" (Seungmin, Jeongin and the twins are the same age as well as Hyunjin) the two flinched as they heard the shouting, "JISUNG! FELIX!" The two shouted and they run into each other and have a group hug while laughing, "I'm so glad you're both are at the same college as us!" Felix said, "me too!" Jeongin giggles, "well then, Let's rock this school together!" "YAYYY!!!" They all cheered and laughed and they walked together through the whole college.

But... one thing they didn't know, is that somebody is watching them quietly, "looks like the nerds are back again," "let's play a little game with them later,"

The four are running around the college like little children. People are giggling as they looking at the four jumping happily, they think it's cute and funny and not weird.

After a long ass tour, the four decided to have a dinner at the nearest cafe, "the college is amazing! There's so many kind students and the teachers are very nice too as well as the principal," Felix exclaimed as everyone agrees, "yeah! I thought he would be scary like our highschool principal... oh yes... about that thing..." the atmosphere suddenly becomes weird as the four remembers the bullying they experience at highschool, "well... at least we got away from them," Jisung said as he smiles, "hey, wanna hangout at my room? I haven't seen my roommate so I think it's fine," Jisung said and everyone nod in agreement.

As they arrived, Jeongin and Seungmin without permission instantly jumping up and down on Jisung's bed...

"Guys! Stop jumping! You'll make my bed dirty!" Jisung shouted to the manages, "sorry Jisung..." "let's watch some movies!" Felix said. He brought so many DVDs from home and he insert the Ice Age 5 DVD into the DVD player.

After the movie, all of them went to their own dorm. Felix bid goodbye to Jisung as he went to his dorm. Jisung decided to take a shower, brush his teeth and wore his clothes. He only wears a hoodie and boxer when he sleeps and nothing more, so it exposed his whole thighs...

The door opens slowly as boy came in, "hello, baby squirrel, we meet again..." he said sniffing at the back of Jisung's neck. The air made Jisung tickled and he slightly move in his sleep, "goodnight wolf cub..." he said and he strip into his boxer and went to sleep...

To be continued...

First chapter, yay! Finally I made the first chapter of this book!

Anyways, the sequel to Mythic is coming soon!


Stay tuned💖💖💖

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