Chapter 13: Exposed

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Thank God, Jisung survived from the Fornite enthusiasm's chase after he climbed up a tall tree which is near his first class. So he climb up the tree and jumped through the open window at the class, "you will run away this time! But, next time... I will sure you won't survive..." Felix said and he stomped away to his class leaving Jisung watching him from afar while giggling.

Jisung heard some footsteps from behind him and when he look back, he saw a furious Minho, 'oh no... what did I do again...' Jisung thought and suddenly Minho gets closer to Jisung pinning him right on the squirrel's chair, "who are those girls wolf cub? And why are they so close to you?" Jisung facepalmed at the older's stupidness, 'gosh... he's so possessive and dumb at the same time... ' "they're my besties Minho... don't worry... and if I'm straight, they're not my type (sorry readers😭)" Jisung said casually as he explained, "you better not lie to me..." "Minho..." Jisung then slips to Minho's neck and wrap his arms around it, "I never lie to your right? Now go to your class because the bell is going to ring soon," he suddenly pecked Minho's lips which made the older shocked at the squirrel's action.

'What the hell just happened?! He's never like that before... ' Minho thought.

"But, baby Squirrel... this is my first class..." Minho said with a smirk causing the younger to go back to himself, 'whoops... I've just flirted with Minho and he fricking have his first class with me?! The hell... '

Minho is going to find the two girls that were talking to his wolf cub before. He saw them walking at the locker corridor while holding books and they're about to open their locker.


The two girls shut their locker and they saw Minho looking furiously at them, "ummm... who are you and what the hell are you doing?" Minho then walked closer with his arms crossed, "you both are Jisung's "friends" huh?" He scowled at the two making them confused, "yes we are... so what's the problem?" One said as Minho growls and squint his eyes like a wolf, "do not try to flirt with my wolf cub, or else... you really don't want to mess with me right?" The two girls rolled their eyes, "he's just our friend! Dating our own friend? Eww... tHAT'S GROSS! He isn't even our type," the other said with a fake gagging face, "anyways... I'm Sal and this is Y/N," the black hired girl said.

The three talked about random things and stuffs while they're going to see their friends at the cafeteria, "so... when did you both become friends with Jisung and Felix?" Minho asked, "ummm... since we're kindergarten," Y/N said, "how can you be friends with the two crackheads," Sal clicked her tongue and explained, "that's what actually happened... Jisung and Felix are playing tag, but when Jisung is chasing Felix, Felix fell to the ground and his face kissed the grass while Jisung tripped over and landed his face on a pool of mud..." Sal sighed at the end of the story.

"Me and Fanny sees the two boys on the ground. Felix looks okay so he doesn't need help because he suddenly jumped and says I'm okay (Miroh💖) and stared at his brother whose face is at the bubbly mud pool," Y/N continued, "it turns out he fell asleep right after the mud is on his face," Sal said while laughing at the memory.

Minho gave a weird look about the squirrel's weird past, "and don't worry big Werewolf, we won't take your mate away..." After Sal said that, Minho is shocked by what she says, "w-what do you mean? I-I'm not a werwolf... I'm a human! Haha..." Minho said sweating, "don't lie, we already knew you're a Werewolf, so don't need to hide it... we love werewolves and if there are still many of them, we will build an organization for protecting Mythical Beasts," Minho is very happy with what Y/N said. He felt Lee Know is jumping around in him.

'Minho! I'm so happy!!! '

'I know right?! Finally there are some humans who love us other than our mate'

'Duh... not all humans are mean... well... I gotta go have a nap!'

"Hey gangs!" Sal shouted the others, "what's up yo!" Jisung come up to Fanny and high five with her, "hey Minho..." Jisung said shyly as he looked at Minho, "ehem ehem... we will have our snacks first!" Y/N said, "don't forget to use protection Kids!" Sal said while walking away from the two to talk to the other boys.

Minho and Jisung stared and each other and suddenly, Minho smirked and get closer to Jisung, "let's have fun tonight wolf cub..." Minho said huskily as Jisung blushed and started to sweat.

To be continued...

Another chapter! Sorry for not updating, I have no inspiration on what to write in this chapter... so I just write some random stuffs.

BTW... get ready for some spices in the next chapter😏🔞

Thank you!!!


Stay tuned💖💖💖

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