Chapter 4: Heterophobia

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A ray of sunlight pass through the curtains of their dorm room. Jisung and Minho are waken by the sudden light. But what Jisung didn't realize is that he is sleeping on top of Minho's chest which made Jisung blushing madly, "it's okay... it's nice to have you sleeping peacefully eventhough on top of my chest," Minho smirks as he looked at Jisung's face.

Jisung instantly run to the bathroom to have a bath while still blushing. 'Why is Minho so different now?' He thought. He remembering all of the scary moments he shared with Minho...

"M-Minho... please stop..." Jisung begged while crying on the floor, full with bruises and wounds, "I won't stop until I'm satisfied baby squirrel... you're so weak... you can't even fight back when you know how to kick people!" Minho said while smiling evilly. He returned his gaze to his friends who are beating up Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin.

It's heartbreaking for Jisung to see his friends being beaten up, even Felix... he has the most wound than him and the others. Minho lift Felix's chin so Minho could see Felix's scared and bruised face, "remember blondie, if you get close to my toy again, I won't hesitate to kill you! UNDERSTOOD?!" Minho shouted at Felix as he warned him. Felix nod his head in agreement, but actually he will still get close to Jisung and protect him, "good... now get lost!" Minho walks closer to Jisung and whispered in his ears, "see you later wolf cub..." he smirks as he walked away with his gang following behind. Only one of his friends turn his head back to Jisung and his friends and mouthed 'I'm so sorry... ' and walked away with his friends.

Back to present...
Jisung is crying in the shower as he remembers those bad memories. He just wished he could forget about it all... he just wished he had never met that Lee Minho... he just wished he could just jump of the building or bang his head with a gun... he just wished god didn't give him this life...

But, one thing that Jisung is very grateful of, is that he's still alive and still stand strong facing the storm and blizzards of his life.

"Jisung? Are you done yet?" Jisung is woken up by Minho's sudden voice from outside and he instantly dry himself up, but... one problem...

He forgot to bring his clothes into the bathroom, "ummm... Minho? Can you give me my clothes?" He asked through the door, "why don't you change outside wolf cub? We're both males anyway..." Minho slyly said as Jisung went out of the bathroom, wet hair while covering most of his body with the towel. Minho stared at Jisung, appreciating the Beauty he saw in front of him, "don't stare at me you pervert!" Jisung snapped, "I can't wolf cub... you looked so beautiful eventhough without clothes..." Minho smirked, "you better go have a bath or you'll be late for college!" Jisung said as he wears his clothes.

After that, Jisung picked up Felix and walk with him to the college. Surprisingly, they arrived earlier than usually, "where are Seungmin and Jeongin?" Felix asked Jisung, "I'll text them," Jisung took out his phone and text the two maknaes.

Crackheads 4.0👌

Where the hell ate you both?!

After a while, Jisung's phone finally vibrated which means the maknaes answered him!

We're still at the dorm!
Sorry we worried you and Felix, but I have to get some shits done!

Me too!
Sorry Jisung... we're gonna be kinda late...😔

But don't be too late!!!

Jisung turned his phone off and told Felix about the conversation, "so... the maknaes are going to be late and they say they have some shits to be done..." Jisung sighed, "oh man... but I want to tell Jeongin when I can play Fortnite with him..." Jisung's eyes went wide and hit Felix right on his head, "DON'T ONLY THINK ABOUT YOUR GAME! THINK ABOUT WHAT THE MAKNAES ARE FACING! Tch," Jisung snapped, "sorry, Jisungie," Felix hugged him and kiss his cheeks... random twin brother stuffs, "it's okay..." Jisung hugged Felix back and kissed his forehead. Then, they heard some whispers from a group of girls near the lockers.

"Ewww... their gays?!"

"Too bad a handsome face have to be gay..."

"I can't believe I went to this school that accepts LGBTQ+... *sigh*"

With full of anger, the twins approach the girls and snapped in front of them, "Excuse me?! I am gay, but is it wrong to kiss my own twin brother?!" Jisung snapped as the girls just silent, "You should be ashamed of yourself! Judging people by their sexuality!" Felix snapped, giving Jisung more power to face them, "well... I'm sorry, but LGBTQ+ is a sin! And we don't need any comments from you homosexuals," One of the girls said that which made Jisung lost his patience.

"Well... I'm sorry your Highness, but if you tried to prove that heterosexual is not a sin, don't do that in front of me! Because sorry... I'm HETEROPHOBIC!!! And that is better than being a homophobic asshole like you! You better run away, because I really want to vomit by only seeing your face!" Jisung shouted at the girl's face, making her scared and run away crying with her friends follow her from behind, "Jisung, calm down..." Felix tried to calm Jisung down as he is cool by only a few seconds.

Then... they heard a clap from the end of the corridor, it's the principal! "I'm really fascinated by how you both defend yourself from homophobics! Great job... use that to support the LGBTQ+ community, okay?" The principal said smiling as the twins nod.

Little did they know, is that someone is watching them from far away. Jealous on seeing Jisung kissed Felix, "you're going to be punished wolf cub..." he said whispering from far away.

To be continued...

Another update and yes... the tittle might be confusing you all, but I'm going to explain it...

You see... Jisung is angry when somebody said homosexuality is a sin and he called himself as a heterophobic and same as Felix... but, how can they not become heterophobic towards their mom or dad? It's because their parents never did anything so hetero which made Jisung and Felix fine by it.

Well that's it for today! Thank you!!!


Stay tuned💖💖💖

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