Chapter 11: Gibbous moon

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After the long day... finally Jisung succeed turning Minho back into the angsty one. How?

Jisung throw him into the shower and turn on cold shower while Minho is still in his clothes. After 30 minutes, Minho slammed the door open and stored to Jisung who is on his bed relaxing while chatting with the crackhead group.

Minho growled and squint his eyes like a wolf and pounce to Jisung while he's still wet. Jisung flinched as he saw Minho looking all wet and cold and... hOLY shit... HOT! At the same time while growling at him like a wolf, "angsty Minho, you're awake now? Good... Imma text my peeps that you're back..." Jisung said casually as he went back to his phone with Minho is over him still growling at Jisung, "stop looking at me like that, big wolf..." Jisung said as Minho went down from the bed.

'Maybe... I should tease him a bit...' Minho thought. When Jisung noticed Minho is smirking at him, he stared at the older's sudden action.

Minho is smirking while he sees the younger is staring at him. He slowly lift his shirt up sexily, slowly showing his toned abs and chest. The younger drooled at the sight, 'he's so hot... '

Minho throw his shirt to the floor and slowly pull his pants down while licking his lips looking at the younger. The poor Squirrel is blushing madly as he sees Minho's big buldge showing through his boxers.

Minho throws his pants to where his clothes is and climb on top of the younger who is sweating now due to the tension. Minho got closer to his face and breathes at the squirrel's lips.

Minho attacked Jisung's lips roughly and bit his lower lip which made the younger gasp, that gives Minho chance to slide his tongue in.

Minho feels Jisung's hands are trying to push him. He then pinned the younger's hand at the side and interwinds their fingers while making out.

Minho started to get rougher, his eyes is full of lust and needs more. Their lips are moving in sync as they kissed. Minho started to grind on Jisung roughly, Jisung moaned in pleasure at the older's action.

He whimpers loudly as he felt the pleasure rising down there, "M-Minho... nggghh~ a-aaahh..." he moaned loudly as he felt his orgasm coming, "I-I.... ouhhh~ ngggghhh... aaAAHHH~~~" the younger moaned as he came in his pants.

Minho is satisfied at what he has done, "go take a shower baby, I'll take a shower with you..." he smiled softly looking at the younger's sweaty face.

Well... they took a shower together while kissing each others' face sexily.

After bath time, they both wear their clothes, back to back so they couldn't see the surprise they will have one day😏. After that, Jisung took his phone and text the weirdos again. Want a snap?

Crackhead 4.0👌

Yo weirdos!
I'm back!

Says the one who ever growls in the midnight like a werewolf and made me think that you're possessed on your own fricking bed

Oof- exposed

Jisung got expo-osed
Jisung got expo-osed

Yah! Stop exposing me Yongbok!

Eeew no!
Go come at Minho!

Jeongin... don't do that again...

Okay hyungie...
Btw, what does Seungmin hyung means by "come"?


Chan and Woojin hyung is gonna be so mad at you...

Umm... nothing Jeonginnie our little precious baby fox...
It's just some weird words that I made you know me right?

Oh yes!
You have so many weird vocabs, so I'm gonna ask to Woojin and Chan hyung for... sorry... se-teu-rae-i-teu answers
Bye bye bishes!

Seungmin... you got more explanations to be explained...
Chan and Woojin hyung is gonna be so mad at you...


Jisung laughed a little as he turned off his phone and went to sleep.

Minho is still looking at some boring Instagram posts when suddenly his group texted. A snap? Sure!

Werewolf gang🐺

Ummm... guys...
We have a problem...

What is it now?

Look at outside...

Minho raised one of his eyebrows as he walks to the window and pushed away some of the curtains, "oh no... this is bad..." Minho said.

What Minho actually sees is not werwolf hunters or anything, but he sees the only one problem that he have to run away to the forest and back.

"Tonight's moon is... Gibbous Moon..." Minho said with wide eyes, "it means full moon is coming..."

To be continued...

Another chapter yay! I finally updated and thank God my mid term exam is over!!!

So in this story I'll give you some explanation about the werewolves.
The werewolves can change into a werwolf and back to human! But the most painful transformation is at full moon. Their powers are going to get stronger at full moon and they will slowly transforms into a werewolf painfully. On full moon, the werewolves Beauty marks are visible and they can't change back into human until sunrise.

Well... that's it! Thank you!!!


Stay tuned💖💖💖

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