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i chucked my cigarette into the lake we were walking next to.

"so, Draco Malfoy," i blew the remainder of smoke out. "tell me about yourself."

"there's not much to tell." his strides were wide but lazy.

"tell me about... your family."

he glanced at me. "i'm the only child of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy."

"i knew i recognised the name!"

Lucius and Narcissa were two of my Father's most loyal death eaters.

i knew they had a child, but i had no idea it was Draco.

"my Father-"

"the Dark Lord talks about my family?" his brows knitted together.

i shook my head. "i've eavesdropped on more meetings than i can count—and i've seen Lucius leaving Father's study."

he nodded, looking slightly relieved.

"you're afraid of him." i stated. "my Father."

"no," he laughed.

"yes you are. why?"

he shook his head. "i said i'm not."

"i don't like liars, Malfoy."

he gave me a look and carried on walking.

"has he done something to your family?"

he stopped walking. "he's the most powerful dark wizard of all time, everyone fears him a little, even Dumbledore."

"i'm not afraid of him." i folded my arms.

"not even when he tells you or your brothers off?"

"why would he tell us off?"

Draco gave me a strange look but carried on walking beside me.

there was silence for a while.

"why did you come to Hogwarts?" he questioned.

i shrugged. "my Father wanted us to follow in his academic footsteps."

"i heard you got expelled from your last schools."

"i did—i'm not ashamed of it." i glared at him.

i half expected him to lecture me like my Godmother Bellatrix had done.

"it's nothing to be ashamed of." he kicked leaves as he walked. "how did you get expelled, if you don't mind my asking?"

i sighed.

"i got sick of the girls at Beauxbattons so i brought Tom and Matteo in and we threw a party in the great hall. the infirmary was full to bursting since we spiked the drinks with Poison Oak."

Draco laughed. "what about Durmstrang?"

"we destroyed the founders' memorial statues by hitting Bludgers at them."

"sick," he grinned.

"the teachers didn't think it was."

"well i'm not a teacher."

"now you tell me?"

he stopped momentarily, stubbing his cigarette out against a tree.

"you know there's a bet running in Gryffindor about you and your brothers."

"what bet?"

"how long it'll take for Matteo to get in a fight, Tom to perform some dark curse on someone, and you to..."

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