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Tom faced his window, looking out over the grounds.

"i don't know what came over me that afternoon." his voice was barely audible.

i didn't say anything.

"it was stupid of me."

"no shit," i muttered, reaching for the door handle.

"wait, Lola. i'm sorry." he called.

"it's a bit late for that." i snapped, opening the door and bumping into Matteo.

"what's going on?" he looked at the two of us.

"nothing," Tom and i said simultaneously.

"fucking liars," he rolled his eyes. "start packing, we're going home straight after the match."

i was putting my things into my trunk when a knock sounded at the door.

"come in," i called, expecting Matteo or Tom.

instead, Draco entered.

"hello," i frowned—he'd never been in my room before.

"nice pussy," he grinned, stroking Venus.

i rolled my eyes. "did you want something."

"i figured you'd want some company." he kicked his shoes off and laid on my bed.

"i'm alright thanks," i folded some clothes.

"i also thought you should know care of magical creatures starts in seven minutes."

"you're not skiving that too?"

"i have to at least show up for registration," he put his arms behind his head. "plus we can go for another walk in the woods."

"you really want to go on a walk?" i raised my eyebrows.

"fine you caught me," he sighed. "i just want a cigarette."

"smoking is bad for you, Draco Malfoy."

he shrugged. "i do lots of things that are bad for me."

"you're so tough!"

he looked straight at me.

it was kind of unnerving but i didn't break eye contact.

we watched each other as Draco stood up and walked towards me.

even when he wore no shoes and i wore my black patent heels, he still towered over me.

he snapped his fingers in front of my eyes, making me blink.

"you lose," he cheered.

"i wasn't aware we were having a staring contest."

"we were and i won!" he took a victory lap around my bedroom.

i picked up his shoes and threw them at him.

he caught them of course.

"come on, we'll be late for care of magical creatures."

"you've got cigarettes then?" he pulled his shoes on.

"i always have cigarettes, i just don't share them."

"except with me," he opened the door for me and came face to face with Tom.

"what were you doing in her bedroom?" he was beyond pissed.

"nothing, Tom, we were just talking." i grabbed Draco's hand and pushed past my brother.

Tom muttered something under his breath but i ignored him, walking through the common room with Draco.

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