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Matteo picked me up gently, as if i weighed nothing and carried me away from Father, further into the garden.

only when we were fully wrapped in the thick cloak of darkness did i allow myself to cry, burying my face in Matteo's chest and allowing the tears to drip down my face.

my brother took off his jacket, laying it down on the cold grass before lowering me down onto it.

he sat beside me and wiped my tears away, but they were falling too fast.

he simply cradled my head as i leaned heavily on him, rubbing my back and stroking my hair.

"Draco's coming," he whispered in my ear. "want me to send him away?"

i shook my head slowly but didn't look up, not letting Draco see me cry.

"is she ok?" he asked Matteo.

"she will be," my brother answered.

"can i sit?"


i pinched Matteo hard.

"ow! yes, you can sit!" he grabbed my wrist.

i felt Draco sit on the other side of me.

nobody spoke for a while and slowly my tears subsided.

i lifted my head from Matteo's chest, leaving large wet patches in my wake.

"here," Draco handed me a tall glass of water which i quickly drained.

i looked at Draco who watched me closely.

he smiled at me but i didn't have the energy to return it.

"i don't think you're weak, if it means anything." he offered.

"i know i'm not." i wiped my eyes using Matteo's tie. "but thanks."

we lapsed into silence, but after a while i spotted a figure walking towards us.


"i don't want him here, Mat." i knew he would be of little comfort, even if—by some miracle—his intentions were good.

"alright," he stood and transferred my weight onto Draco. "look after her." he instructed.

"of course," Draco adjusted himself so he could better support me.

i watched Matteo talk to Tom, who looked at me imploringly.

i averted my eyes, looking up at Draco.

"you have a bit of mascara..." he swiped his thumbs under my eyes, wiping away the smudged makeup.

"thank you." i looked back over at my brothers.

Tom pushed Matteo in the chest, trying to get past him but Matteo wouldn't budge.

my oldest brother continued pushing Matteo and i knew it wouldn't be long before he... snapped.

i barely had time to register Mat's fist swinging at Tom's face, but in a blink Tom was on the ground.

he grabbed Matteo's legs, bringing him down too and they rolled around on the grass, punching and kicking each other.

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