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i met Pansy in the common room and we set off towards the Great Hall, chatting excitedly.

we reached the stairs and i looked down to see Matteo and Draco engaging in a deep conversation.

maybe they could feel our presence, because they both looked up at Pansy and i the moment we took a step down the stairs.

i didn't look away from Draco, matching his wide smile.

his eyes followed my every move, scanning my body.

"good evening," i said as i reached the bottom step.

"you look... devastatingly beautiful, Lola."

i smiled at the compliment. "you scrub up well too, Draco."

he offered me his arm and i took it as we turned to Pansy and Matteo who were laughing together.

"ready?" Matteo grinned.

i nodded and we entered the Hall.

the ball was already well under way and i wasted no time in dragging Draco onto the dance floor.

"i can't dance for shit, Lola!" he called over the music.

"it's easy," i guided his hand to my waist and put my own hand on his shoulder.

he quickly got the hang of the slow dance, spinning me around and around the floor, weaving between the crowd.

i caught sight of Neville Longbottom dancing as if he had a partner and pointed him out to Draco, who laughed.

"i feel... oddly bad for him." i frowned.

"then go and dance with him." Draco grinned.

"shut up." i rolled my eyes, heading over to a table surrounded by Slytherins.

they all got up as soon as we got close, offering us their chairs.

i made to sit on my own chair, but Draco pulled me into his lap.

"Pansy told me about the little gift she bought you." he whispered in my ear.

"did she now," his voice sent shivers down my spine.

"i can't wait to take them off you later."

i pressed my lips against his neck, nipping at his skin.

he gripped my chin and kissed me gently, stroking his hands down my waist.

"Mr Malfoy! Miss Riddle!" a sharp voice called.

i pulled back an inch to see McGonogal staring at us with an outraged look on her face.

"yes, Professor?" I frowned.

"please keep your lips to yourselves!"

"we don't know what you mean, Professor." Draco's hand drifted dangerously low on my back.

"if i see anything else, you will both be in detention!"

i lifted my head, keeping my eyes on McGonogal until Draco kissed me again.

"right! d-"

the glass window behind her shattered and the night poured in... shadows which spiralled through the hall and dissipated at the front, revealing six figures clad in heavy black robes with silver masks covering a few of their faces.

i recognised the majority of them.

"Death Eaters." McGonogal whispered.

the teacher turned around just in time to miss the looks of pure agony on mine and Draco's faces as the Dark Marks burned our arms and slithered into life.

i clutched his hand, not caring that my nails were digging into his palm, of the fact it felt as if he was about to break a couple of my bones.

"students, teachers..." Bellatrix spread her arms wide. "Riddles, Malfoy, Parkinson." her eyes landed on Draco and i.

the whole room turned to look at us, their eyes boring countless holes in me.

"come," she beckoned us over.

i lifted my head slightly and took Draco's hand.

the crowd cleaved apart in three places as Matteo and Pansy, Tom, Draco and i unwillingly made our way over to Bellatrix.

the hall was so silent, you could have heard a pin drop.

then the doors burst open.

"what is the meaning of this?!" Dumbledore thundered.

"this is a warning." Bellatrix grinned. "your defences aren't as strong as you think, and our Lord will be back."

out of the corner of my eye, i saw McGonogal take out her wand, but a masked Death Eater who i knew to be Lucius Malfoy reacted quickly.

my teacher's wand flew out of her hand before she even had a chance to open her mouth, and Lucius caught it deftly.

Bellatrix tutted. "what a charming way to treat your guests."

"you and your kind aren't welcome here, Bellatrix." Dumbledore countered.

"you mean purebloods and gifted children?" she gestured to the five of us.

"that is all they are... gifted as they are they are still children."

my godmother regarded him for a long while, tipping her head from one side to the other, running her tongue over her teeth. "touché,"

"come here." Dumbledore ordered us.

"and if they don't?" Bellatrix challenged.

a bolt of yellow light shot towards us but Matteo deflected it before it could touch us.

"i think they've chosen their own side." my godmother grinned as the rest of us reached for our wands.

"you are making a decision you will regret! i implore you-"

"that's enough, Professor." Tom said coolly.

"you don't understand!" McGonogal tried. "these people don't care about you!"

"and, let me guess, you do?" my eyes narrowed on her.

"we are here for you-"

several sharp laughs bounced off of the walls.

"you'be always been funny, Minerva." Bellatrix tapped her wand against her cheek. "but now, you bore me."

nobody in the hall dared to breathe.

"you will do everything you can to strengthen your defences after this, but you will not keep our Lord out. he gets what he wants, and he wants the school. soon."

"we're not going down without a fight." Neville Longbottom stepped forward, living his main-character fantasy.

i glared at him.

"s-sorry." he stepped back.

"the Dark Lord is back, and with our new Death Eaters, we're stronger than ever before." Bellatrix gestured at us. "that will be all."

and we vanished in a swirling plume of black smoke.


this part is dedicated to @LucindaMalfoy96 for keeping me motivated!! sorry this part took so long, I have been very stressed. hopefully the next chapters won't take so long!! <3

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