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we'd spent an hour changing into our quidditch gear and having a drink before heading outside.

at least 50 people from Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor were waiting on the grass next to the quidditch pitch.

50 rose to 57 as Pansy, Enzo, Theo, Crabbe, Goyle, Draco and i joined them.
everyone parted to let us through to the front of the crowd.

"now that we're all here, welcome to the quidditch trials!" a woman who looked like a hawk yelled.

"that's Madame Hooch," Pansy whispered to me. "she's the games mistress."

i nodded as the woman droned on about safe and clean play and giving everyone an equal chance.

after what felt like years of talking, we were allowed to warm up.

i picked up my new broom—a custom Nimbus 2006 with my initials engraved in gold lettering—and kicked my leg over it.

"nice broom," Draco grinned, rising off the ground next to me on his own 2006.

i grinned and leaned forward, racing around the empty stadium, looking back to see Draco and the others close on my tail.

i willed my broom to go faster, enjoying the way the wind scratched at my face and tried to tangle my braided topknot.

the whistle blew and we all flew to the ground, landing steadily and picking up our brooms.

"you're fast," Enzo was breathless but grinning madly.

i smiled back as Madame Hooch sorted us into teams.

"and that leaves Draco, Pansy, Gregory, Vincent, Lorenzo, Theodore and Lolita." Hooch called as everyone got into their given teams.

"watch out, Reg is coming over." Pansy muttered.

a tall boy with dark brown hair and blue-green eyes was stalking towards us, and he didn't look happy.

"you," he jabbed a finger in my direction.

"yes?" i raised my eyebrows.

"we already have three chasers on the Slytherin team."

"alright," i shrugged.

"so we don't need you. leave."

i grinned. "make me."

he took a step towards me and before i knew it, none other than Tom and Matteo stood in front of me.

"who are you?" Regulus snapped.

neither of them said anything.

"i asked you a question!" he pushed Matteo hard in the chest.

big mistake.

Matteo Riddle lived for fighting.

his fist connected with Regulus's nose with a satisfying crunch and the boy staggered back, holding his face.

when he removed his hand, it was covered with blood.

"you're going to regret that!" he lunged at my brothers.

Matteo stopped him easily, landing blow after blow on his bloodied face.

Tom stepped backwards to stand next to me.

"how long d'you think this is going to take?" his eyes were glued on the two boys who were now on the floor.

"two minutes tops." i sighed, leaning on my broom.

Matteo, who was now straddling Regulus and hammering into his face, now sported a horizontal cut across the top of his nose.

it'd been a while since that cut had re-opened.

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