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"tell us what happened, Draco." Father said.

we all stared down at Matteo and Lola who lay unconscious in one of the large guest beds.

"i don't know the full story..." i warned.

"just tell us what you know. who did this?"

"it was Tom." i shivered, remembering the fear in Lola's eyes.

"he wanted to talk to her but she didn't want him to and Matteo went to stop him and they started fighting and then Tom got this murderous look in his eyes and Lola told me to run and we did and-"

"slow down, Draco." Mother put a hand on my arm. "what happened after you ran?"

i took a deep breath. "we ran into the forest and hid behind this tree. Tom came looking for us, saying if i told him where Lola was then he wouldn't hurt me... then he found us and told me to move-"

"move from where?" Father interrupted.

"away from Lola!" i said exasperatedly. "i didn't so he took out his wand and..."

i frowned, recalling what happened. "and then Lola stepped in front of me just as this red light came from Tom's wand and hit her in the chest."

"she saved you." Mother murmured.

"how did Matteo end up in the woods?" 

Father cut in.

"he hit snuck up on Tom and hit him in the head with a branch, then he collapsed."

Father rubbed his chin, staring at the injuries both Matteo and Lola had sustained.

Lola didn't look too bad with a few scratches on her face and arms, but the doctor we called in said she could be bleeding internally.

"Tom has been known to have an incredibly short temper—the Dark Lord told me of that... but i didn't believe it to be this bad." he raked a hand through his hair.

"he pushed Lola out of a third story window." i frowned.

"how do you know about that?" Mother turned to me.

"she told me."

my parents shared a look, silently communicating.

"have you... how close are the two of you, Draco?" Mother asked slowly.

"we're friends," i frowned. "i think."

Mother gave a small nod. "well we'd better leave them alone. the Hogwarts train leaves at nine tomorrow morning."

"i'm staying here," i told them. "until Lola wakes up."

she looked at Father then nodded. "very well."

Mother and Father left the room and i sat down on the armchair next to the fire.

i must've drifted off at some point because i woke to find Matteo staring down at me.

"fuck!" i almost fell off the chair. "you startled me!"

"clearly." his eyes were bloodshot.

"are you alright?" i stood.

"i'm fine, how are you?"


"and Lola? has she woken up?"

i shook my head. "the doctor's been to see her — and you. he said she might be bleeding internally."

"fuck," he breathed.


we both turned to look at her.

her usually golden skin was dull and pale, her dark hair fanned over the white pillow like waves and her eyelashes cast long shadows down her cheeks.

"she'll be alright," Matteo didn't take his eyes off his sister. "she always is."

i didn't know if he was trying to convince me or himself.

"she's survived worse... shit, she survived death." he continued. "she's strong."

"yeah, she is."

"she'll wake up soon." he reached down and smoothed her hair down, putting his hand on her cheek.

the contrast was astounding.

Lola's skin was usually a shade or two darker than her brother's, but it looked as if Matteo had his hand on a sheet of paper.

"you're free to stay here for as long as you like." i stared at Matteo's back. "we don't have to go back to school until she wakes up."

"thanks," he turned to face me. "that's good of you. she'll appreciate that."

i nodded, suddenly feeling as if i was intruding on their private moment.

"would you mind getting me some water? or something to eat?" he asked.

"oh yeah, of course." i headed for the door. "you must be starving."

"i am,"

"i'll be back in a bit," i told him and closed the door behind me.

i got a little way down the corridor before i stopped and rested my pounding head against the wall.

"Draco?" Father walked up the stairs. "how are they?"

"Matteo's awake," i prised my head away from the wall. "i'm just getting him something to drink."

he nodded. "and Lolita?"

"she's still sleeping,"

"sleeping," Father muttered. "very well.
do you think Matteo will make it to dinner? your Mother is preparing it."

"yes, he said he wanted some food."

Father nodded again. "the doctor is coming back tomorrow to check on them."

"alright," i took a deep breath. "good."

i continued in my way to the kitchen but Father called out.


i turned.

"just be prepared," he said softly.

i didn't say anything, simply turned and went down the stairs.

only when i reached the bottom did i let a tear roll down my face.

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