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Bellatrix brought us the port key, telling us Tom would be along later.

i didn't know whether to believe her.

i didn't know if i should go and find my brother, try and end whatever torments Father was inflicting on him.

but there was no time to make a decision.

i changed into my school uniform and threw a navy overcoat over the top, fixing my hair and makeup and heading for Matteo's room.

he, Pansy and Draco were waiting and we gathered around the port key.

"ready?" Matteo looked at each of us.

"what about Tom?" Pansy asked.

"there's nothing we can do for him."

"we're ready," i said before the conversation could develop.

we all grasped the port key—a silver candlestick taken from the dinner table—and were sucked into a twisting tunnel of green and purple and blue, ending up in a heap on cold, wet grass.

"looks like we're going to have to walk it." Draco sighed, staring up at the mountainside.

with no boats or carriages or Hippogriths to take us to the castle, and no ability to cast spells because of the protections around the school, we faced walking up the dark mountain.

"is there no other way?" i groaned.

"not without some sort of miracle." Matteo raised his wand. "lumos." he muttered and turned to the mountain.

a flash of light startled me and we all whipped around.

"hi," Tom's legs have way from under him.

i couldn't stop myself from rushing to him, catching him before he could hit the ground, but once i broke his fall i backed away rapidly.

"it is a miracle." Pansy scoffed.

i looked past my brother and noticed the three hippogriths prancing behind him.

"dear lord," Matteo whistled. "where did you get those."

"the stables." Tom laid on the cold ground.

"you're an idiot." i bent down and used my nails to scratch the dried blood from his face. "and i fucking hate you."

"wouldn't expect anything less." he licked his split lips.

"how did you get away?" Draco asked.

"he needs all the troops he can get, and was late to a meeting."

"you're a lucky bastard, you know that?" Matteo folded his arms.

"he won't let me forget it." Tom sat up. "someone cast a fucking healing spell on me then."

i raised my eyebrows.

"please?" he tried.

i rolled my eyes and took out my wand, pointing it in his general direction. "episkey."

there was a loud crack as his bones repaired themselves, all his swelling went down and his bruises faded.

"thanks." he stood slowly, brushing himself down and running his fingers through his tousled hair.

"this doesn't mean you're forgiven." i looked him up and down.

"i know, but-"

"you've got mud on your face." i told him pointedly and headed over to the hippogriths.

i chose the closest one to me and approached it slowly, rubbing its beak when it bowed its head.

"give me a leg up." i called to Draco.

he walked over and helped me up.

once seated, i reached down and pulled him up behind me.

"why can't i be in front?" he complained.

"because i can ride."

he snorted. "that's a fact."

"shut up, Malfoy." i dug him in the ribs before he could see my grin.

Matteo lifted Pansy onto the back of the second hippogrith and then jumped onto its back.

"suppose i'll help myself on then." Tom grumbled.

"come here." i rolled my eyes.

he led his beast over and i reached down, grabbing onto his foot and pushing him up onto it.

"thanks again."

"that's two nice things i've done for you now." i reminded him. "keep count because i expect repayment, plus interest."

"of course." Tom raised his eyebrows.

i kicked the hippogrith's flanks and clicked my tongue twice, holding on tight as it took to the skies.

Draco held on to my waist as we soared through the night, the wind whistling in my ears and tugging at my hair.

i guided the hippogrith down into the courtyard and jumped down, trying to sort out my windswept hair.

"come on then." Matteo headed for the doors.

we all followed him, heading for the great hall where dinner was taking place.

as i looked at the bannister on which Tom had balanced and the spot where Matteo all but ripped his itching robes off, i was  reminded me of our first time at Hogwarts.

"ready?" Matteo turned to me.

"ready as i'll ever be." i repeated the words id spoken to him on that day.

i knew then, that this would be one of our last days at Hogwarts.

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