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spin the bottle Tom's way:
1. spin the bottle
2. give whoever it lands on the option of
    truth or dare

it was seemingly as simple as that, but Tom was far more devious, making up more rules as he went.

"Ginny Weasley," he said when it landed on her. "truth or dare?"

she frowned. "truth?"

of course she'd pick truth. 

"is it true you want to fuck Harry Potter?" my brother grinned.

Ginny's cheeks turned red. "i pick dare."

she's fallen right into his trap.

"i dare you to tell everyone if you want to fuck Harry Potter." he leaned back on the sofa.

"i don't want to play anymore..." Ginny folded her arms.

"you stop playing when we say so." i snapped.

"watch your tone," two red headed boys stood up.

i laughed outright. "do you want to take a forfeit then, Weasley?"

she nodded.

Tom grinned and took out his wand.

"Imperio." he said lightly.

Ginny screamed as who i could only guess were her brothers stood and made a beeline for Tom.

Matteo and Regulus got to their feet, stopping the two Weasleys.

"Ginny," i called as the other houses broke into terrified whispers.

Ginny's attention turned to me, her blue eyes wide.

"is it true you want to fuck Harry Potter?"

"yes, it's true." her voice shook.

the Weasley brothers roared and tried to push past the concrete wall that was Matteo and Regulus.

i looked at Harry Potter who was sat close to Ginny.

his cheeks were deep red and he stared at me and Tommy.

"why would you do that?" i think his voice was meant to sound threatening.

"because it's fun." i sighed.

"no it's not!" he too got to his feet.

"it is for us," Tom grinned.

i watched as he approached.

neither Tom or Matteo moved to stand by me.

i could easily take him myself.

"you had no right." Harry folded his arms in front of me as i stood.

"i have every right, Potter." i walked closer.

"you don't even know what you're talking about." he snapped.

"i think you'll find i do." we were nose to nose.

the great Harry Potter looked up at me, trying and failing to make himself seem taller.

"stop," i said.

he was making a fool out of himself.

"are you scared, Riddle?" a Ravenclaw boy called.

in a flash my wand was in my hand.

"Avifors." i flicked my wand, fittingly turning the boy into a black raven.

the people in the circle scuttled back, giving me, Harry, the Weasley twins, Matteo, Regulus, Tom and Ginny plenty of space.

"let her go." Harry turned his attention to Tom who still had Ginny under his spell.

"no," my brother said lightly.

"let her-" Harry made for by brother but i tripped him up.

i don't know if it was the Riddle Remedy but Harry's cracked glasses and bloody nose made me shriek with laughter.

Harry got up quickly, lunging at me and knocking me backwards.

i pushed my hips up, lifting his weight and flipping us over so he was pinned under me.

"you're going to regret that, Potter." i held my wand to his neck.

his chest heaved under me and sweat beaded on his forehead as the tip of my wand heated up.

"what are you doing?!" he yelled, trying to get away from the heat.

"making you a warning." i concentrated on his neck.

"for what?!"

"for anyone who thinks like you do..."

there. i was done.

i helped Harry up and led him to the large mirror above the fire place.

he turned his face to the side, inspecting my handiwork.


his hand grazed the bloody red letters carved into his neck: L T Riddle

i wanted everyone to know.

Hogwarts now belonged to the Riddles and anyone who thought otherwise would face the consequences.

Pansy flicked her wand at the door, releasing the spell and opening it, allowing the floods of students to stampede out.

they crowded in the doorway in a mad rush to leave the room.

it was as if they were trying to escape from hell.

"i don't think they'll be back any time soon." Draco watched them all.

"good," Enzo laid back on the sofa, his head in Blaise's lap.

"get off me!" Blaise pushed him off and Enzo hit the floor.

"why art thou so tempestuous, my love?" Enzo got on his knees and put his hands together, a yearning look on his face.

"one is simply craving more Riddles Remedy."

Enzo turned to me. "is that something thou can provide?"

i laughed. "perhaps, however prior to this, one must confide with one's kinsmen."

i pretended to whisper to Tom and Matteo who pulled serious faces and nodded.

"let there be more Remedy!" Tom cried, waving his wand.

everyone cheered as the bottles appeared on the table in front of us.

"a bottle each!" Matteo yelled, throwing everyone a bottle.

Pansy didn't catch hers and it shattered on the wall behind her.

"again!" she screamed and Matteo threw another bottle against the wall.

more bottles kept appearing and more bottles were smashed against the wall.

when Matteo got tired of throwing, he uncorked a bottle and drank it's contents in one large swallow.

"more, Tommy!" his smile was infectious and soon we were all trying to see who could drain a bottle fastest.

Matteo won, of course, and his prize was yet more bottles.

"don't drink them all at once!" Regulus shouted provokingly.

Matteo used his teeth to uncork two bottles, holding them both to his lips and drinking.

that night was amazing.

as the sun began to rise, the Slytherin Quidditch team lay on the common room floor, our heads spinning and our eyes clouded with blue swirls.

"Merlin," Draco muttered beside me.

i rolled onto my side to look at him, my head still spinning.

i saw two of him; his straight nose, long blonde eyelashes, white-blonde hair...

i closed my eyes again and prayed for sleep but before i knew it the morning bell was ringing.

we couldn't really be expected to go to lessons!

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