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Tom had disappeared around the same time as us and Matteo told me he'd gone back to the Chamber with the sword.

i hoped his spell would work, if it didn't we'd all be in deep trouble with Father.

my head still felt heavy as i zipped about the Quidditch pitch.

i could barely keep my eyes open.

"get yourself together!" Pansy yelled at me when i dropped the ball for the second time.

i flung the ball at her, grinning as it hit her hard on the back.

she flipped me off, diving after the ball and hitting it past Theo, through the goal.

after a while, i gave into my tiredness, dropping to ground level where Draco hovered.

"aren't you supposed to be looking for the snitch?" i asked.

he opened his hand, showing me the tiny winged ball. "i grabbed it before it got out of the trunk."

"of course," i huffed, but he didn't smile.

"are you going to tell me where you were this morning?"

"i can't yet but i'm sure you'll find out and i'm sure you know what it was to do with."

"your Father?" he looked at me for the first time.

i raised my eyebrows, confirming his idea.

"i can help you know."

"by doing what?" i asked scornfully.

"whatever you need." he shrugged. "i'll be here."

i looked into his clear blue eyes and knew he meant every word.

i only had three lessons that day; transfiguration, potions and charms and i zoned out of each and every one of them.

i had crashed out in my room, allowing myself a nap before the game.

3:00pm rolled around and i found myself standing opposite the Hufflepuff team on the Quidditch pitch.

"you all know the rules!" Madame Hooch yelled. "i want nice, clean play today!"

she looked pointedly at our team, raising her eyebrows for emphasis. "Hufflepuff will start with the Quaffle!"

she opened the trunk housing the balls, grabbing the Quaffle and letting the Bludger and Snitch loose and threw the Quaffle up in the air at the same time.

a Hufflepuff chaser grabbed the ball, heading straight for the goal.

Enzo zoomed straight towards him and he was forced to pass the ball to his teammate.

before the other Hufflepuff boy could even think of catching the ball, i grabbed it, racing to the goal hoops.

the goalkeeper paled a little and i grinned as i threw the ball through the smallest hoop, scoring for Slytherin in the first minute.

the whole Slytherin stand cheered as we reset and i grinned at Tom who stood front row with his arms folded, a wide grin on his face—i knew he'd completed his task.

i looked about for Draco as we reset the pitch, spotting him high above in search of the snitch.

he looked down and met my eyes, raising his eyebrows with the slight smirk of his.

i gave a tiny shrug, faking modesty, and his smirk grew to a little laugh as he opened his hand slightly, showing me the Snitch, flapping its wings pathetically.

as the game continued, we developed a sort of secret language completely centred around body language.

a slight incline of the head meant 'how are you getting on?'

a little shrug meant 'alright'.

a nod and a smile meant 'well done.' and Draco did that movement a lot.

Hufflepuff scored, then Pansy, then Hufflepuff, then Enzo, then me.

my head was growing heavier by the second and i found myself wishing we had a sub that could swap on for me.

the halftime whistle blew and i gladly landed on the grass, the rest of the team forming a circle.

"we're doing really well, guys." Reg nodded at us all.

"the beaters haven't got much of a hit on them so we can use that to our advantage." Matteo said.

"the left chaser is pretty fast so you need to be tight on him, Lola." Pansy added, making me wish i hit the Quaffle at her head earlier.

Regulus ignored Pansy and the murderous glare i threw her way, instead turning to Draco.

"show them the Snitch in the last few minutes—give them a show." he instructed.

"when did you catch the Snitch?!" i turned to him as soon as the others dispersed.

he shrugged. "within the first seven minutes."

"why don't you call it in as soon as you catch it?!"

"because there's no fun in that. what is fun is leading the other Seeker around the pitch, making her think she still has a chance."

"you're crazy." i told him as we kicked off the ground.

"maybe," he agreed. "but at least i'm enjoying myself."

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