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"who is this muggle you have dared to bring into The Dark Lord's residence?!" a masked death eater yelled.

"it was a mistake!" Violet stood on shaking legs. "we'll leave!"

"what's going on?" Henry sported a nasty gash to the head, but it was the least of my worries. "Vi?"

"it's going to be alright." she shielded his body with her own. "i can obliviate him!"

"no," the death eater drawled. "you know the law, Parkinson."

Pansy stood in front of her sister. "please."

"he's a good man!" i shouted as Draco and i stood before Pansy.

"don't do this, we beg you." Matteo held a hand out as he blocked my view of the death eaters.

but the death eater took out his wand, sending Matteo, Pansy, Violet and i crashing out of the way.

"crucio!" the death eater cursed Henry.

"what's happening?!" he writhed in pain, his voice cracking. "please!"

i tried to get up and run back to his side— we all did—tried to defend him.

but we weren't quick enough, his body was beginning to seize and the Death Eater prepared for the final assault.

"avada kedavera!" a blinding bolt of green light shot out of Violet's wand and the death eater was thrown backwards, as dead as could be.

"go!" Pansy screamed.

the three of us held off the other two death eaters while Violet grabbed Henry and the port-key, apparating back to London.

"stand down." an icy voice commanded.

the death eaters immediately lowered their wands.

"you fools." Father's voice echoed. "go after them!"

the death eaters hurried from the room and i could only hope that Violet knew to get out of London—hell, out of the country. 

"how dare you bring a muggle into my house." Father's words were filled with venom.

"it was a simple mistake!" Matteo challenged. "maybe you should have been more careful with your port key!"

"silence, boy!" he yelled and Matteo shut his mouth.

i still couldn't locate where his voice was coming from, but didn't dare look around the room.

"get into the dining room, everyone is waiting." he dismissed us.

Pansy was shaking, but we had to be strong, so we held our heads high as we walked to the dining room.

everyone was already seated, a spare seat for Draco between his parents, and one for Pansy between Hadrian and Camilla, her own parents.

Tom had a seat of honour at the opposite head of the table and i guessed the two chairs to his left and right were for Matteo and i.

i didn't want to be anywhere near Tom, but now wasn't the time to make a scene, so i sucked it up and sat down, looking at anything but my hateful brother.

Father entered the room and everyone rose, their heads bowed.

Nagini slithered beside him.

"be seated." he commanded, and everyone obeyed. "i am sure you are wondering why you were called here with such urgency."

i looked around and realised the dining room was full to the brim, with people sitting around the edge of the room and crowding on the balcony above.

"we will strike Hogwarts in two days time."

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