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the Manor was more alive than i'd ever seen it.

there were people everywhere, coming in and out of Father's study carrying papers and port keys, rushing around to ensure everything ran smoothly.

Tom had been roped into doing something important so Matteo, Pans, Draco and i milled about, trying to avoid being assigned a job to do.

we found ourselves in the attic, brushing dust off of the furniture so we could sit down.

"is this where it happened?" Draco looked out of the window.

"yeah," i nodded, thinking back to when Tom had pushed me from it.

"it's a long way down," he commented.

"it doesn't feel that far when you're falling," i said.

"i guess not." he moved away from the window and sat in an armchair across from me.

the silence was so dense we could've swam in it, but i took it over talking.

footsteps echoed up the stairs and i sat up as the door opened.

"oh," a woman entered, looking surprised to see us. "hello."

nobody said a word.

"i'm supposed to be looking for things to use as port keys." she told us. "but if you're already here, you could do it?"

i glared at her.

"or not..."

"it's fine," Matteo stood. "we'll find some stuff."

"that's brilliant, thanks." she smiled gratefully and retreated quickly.

"yeah, brilliant." i snapped. "thanks, Matteo."

"it's better than moping about doing nothing." he remarked. "maybe it'll take our minds off of things."

"not bloody likely." Pansy muttered.

i scoffed but got up, knowing Matteo had a point.

i headed for a trunk in the corner of the room, calling Draco over to check for spiders.

"all clear," he confirmed, dragging the trunk away from the wall.

i tried to open it but it was locked, so i took out my wand. "alohomora."

the lock didn't budge.

"Draco," i looked over my shoulder. "help me open this?"

"yeah," he came over and tried the same spell.

it didn't work.

"Matteo," Draco called.

but my brother couldn't open it either.

"don't look at me," Pansy frowned at the box, but gave it a little kick.

Matteo bent down and brushed the dust off of the lid, reading the engraving.

"fuck. i cant read cursive." he admitted.

i rolled my eyes, pushing him aside.

"it says..." i bent down. "TML."

"what does that mean?" Matteo frowned.

"too much love?" Draco suggested.

"turning muggles loopy?" i grinned.

"tomorrow might last?" Matteo huffed.

"Tom, Matteo, Lolita." Pansy sighed. "that's what it stands for."

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