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we hadn't really thought it through.

we lasted about ten minutes outside.

Draco and i formed one team, acting as beaters, and Pansy and Matteo were our opponents.

Tom whizzed around, sometimes being a goalkeeper, sometimes snatching the ball from under our arms, sometimes dive-bombing to the ground, and always yelling at us to hurry up.

when a gust of wind almost blew Pansy from her broom, we decided to call it a day.

"who plays Quidditch in pyjamas anyway?" Tom grumbled.

"glad to see you're back to your usual smiley self, Thomas." i clapped him on the back.

we went into a room overlooking the garden and Draco went off in search of refreshments.

"so, Matteo and Pansy." Tom reclined on the sofa. "honestly... i didn't see it coming."

"me neither," i pressed the tips of my fingers together. "tell us, Parkinson, what are your intentions with our brother?"

Pansy's eyes widened and she looked between the three of us.

"they're joking," Matteo clarified.

"ah," the red flush evaporated from Pansy's cheeks.

"Gimble is making coffee," Draco entered the room and sat down next to me. "it should be ready soon."

"what are your intentions with our sister, Malfoy." Matteo leaned forward and stared intently at Draco, who frowned.

"well... i suppose i'd like to make her happy."

"go on," Matteo's eyebrows lifted.

Draco shrugged. "i'd like to make memories with her—the good kind, ones you'd tell your children about."

"aw," Pansy sighed quietly.

"can't argue with that, Matty." Tom lifted his legs onto the low table and crossed his ankles.

i stared at Draco in a mix of shock and amazement, and a light, tingly feeling pricked my skin as we drank our coffee, then dispersed throughout the house.

Draco and i headed for his room to shower and change out of our pyjamas.

"what are you thinking?" Draco pulled me out of my thoughts.

i bit the inside of my cheek. "well it's something Bellatrix told me... but i don't know if i heard her right."

"what did she say to you?"

i didn't reply for a long while, carefully brushing the tangles out of my hair.


"she told me..." i frowned slightly. "she said you loved me."

there was a long silence, broken only by me putting the hairbrush down.

i stared at Draco in the mirror's reflection.

"love..." he corrected. "present tense."

the breath caught in my throat.

"you don't have to say it back." he walked up behind me. "just know i love you, Lols."

"how do you know?" i asked.

he shrugged. "i can feel it," he lifted my hand and placed it over his heart. "in here."

our hearts beat in tandem, mine then his, mine then his.

"i don't think i know how to love." i admitted, my eyes dropping to my ring.

"you do. everyone does, it just takes longer for some people."

"will you wait for me?" i met his gaze.

"i would wait a lifetime for you, Lola."

"do you mean that?"

he nodded deeply, kissing my head twice.

"i don't deserve you." tears threatened to spill.

"you are deserving of everyone and everything you have and will have." Draco pulled me up and turned me round to face him. "especially me."

a tear did fall then, and i wiped it away furiously.

i couldn't remember the last time i cried.

"you are..." i couldn't find the right words.
"you're everything."

the corner of Draco's lips turned up and i leaned forward on my tiptoes to plant my lips on that spot.

"you're funny and generous and kind... to me at least. and if i knew what love felt like, i think i would love you too." i squeezed his hand tight.

"well luckily enough, we have time, and i can be extremely patient when i want to be." Draco put a hand on my waist and kissed me.

we did have time... but i had no idea how much.

sorry it's a bit of a short one. there's lots of drama coming up <3

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