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Pansy had taken us shopping and then to one of her favourite restaurants.

now, we were back in her parents apartment watching one of her favourite films.

well, we were supposed to be watching it.

Matteo and Pansy had gone off together.

i knew exactly what they were doing—no, i could hear what there were doing, but if Matteo remained unbothered about Draco, i couldn't really be pissed about Pansy.

"i feel like this should be awkwa-" Draco was cut off by a moan.

"God," i covered my ears. "did they even close the door?"

"come on," he grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "i know a place we can go."

i followed Draco onto the balcony then up a winding metal staircase.

after a while of climbing, i began to wish i brought a jacket.

when we finally got to the top it felt like my fingers had frozen off.

"why are we here?" i looked at the rooftop, illuminated with little lights.

the railing surrounding the roof's edge was almost as tall as me.

Draco reached over and pressed a button behind me, sending us into almost complete darkness.

his hand found mine and he led me over to the edge of the roof.

"i can't see anything." i huffed.

Draco laughed. "i forgot you were short."

"i am not!" i exclaimed.

he ducked down and lifted me onto his shoulders, slowly straightening.

i held onto the railing tight, never forgetting how high up we were.

"oh," i sighed, taking in the view.

"that's the London Eye," Draco pointed to a big lit up wheel. "there's the houses of Parliament and Big Ben... and over there is Tower Bridge."

"there's so much... light." i shook my head.

"it's pretty cool." he agreed.

the wind whistled in my ears and pulled at my hair, and slowly, i let go of the railing.

"i feel like i'm on top of the world." i laughed.

Draco kissed the inside of my thigh in response, sending even more shivers through me.

"you're so cold—let's go back inside." he lowered me down gently.

"but..." i tried to look back at the view but all i saw was the wall.

"we can come back another time, London isn't going anywhere."

i nodded and started to head back over to the stairs.

"Lola," Draco called after me.

i turned to see him stood in the same place. 

"come on, it's freezing!"

he walked closer to me, stopping barely two feet away, fiddling with something.

"i'd like you to have this." he handed me a little black box.

i frowned at him but took it anyway, opening it slowly.

inside the box was a little white pillow, and on it was a ring.

it was silver and i realised it matched Draco's.

i looked closer to see a message engraved inside it.

"Malfoy." i read.

"yeah," he said. "do you... like it?"

i looked up to see him fiddling with his own ring, twisting it around his little finger.

"it's perfect," i told him, "and i love it."

the uncertainty on his face was replaced by a wide smile.

"good," he nodded. "i'm glad."

i took a step towards him and kissed him softly, winding my fingers into his white-blonde hair.

"thank you," i pressed my forehead against his. "it means a lot."

i felt him shrug. "it's just a ring..."

"a very meaningful ring." i slid it onto my little finger and showed him.

"it does suit you," he grabbed my hand and planted a kiss on my palm.

"of course it does," i admired the jewellery. "you chose it."

"actually, it's been in my family for generations."

my eyebrows shot up. "you gave me one of your family heirlooms?"

"i did."

"oh... why?"

"because i wanted you to have it." he answered simply.

"won't your parents be angry that you gave it away?"

he shook his head. "it was mine to give."

"that's very kind of you, Draco." i knew he would hate being called kind, but i had no other word for it. "thank you, so much."

"it's nothing-"

"it is something—it's a lot."

"well... i'm glad you like it, Lols."

"i'll wear it all the time," i decided.

"you can't ever take it off."

"alright," i laughed.

"seriously," he grabbed my hand. "don't."

"alright, Draco," i said softly. "i won't."

"good," he nodded. "good. let's get you inside."

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