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unsure of what else to do, we made our way to Dumbledore's office and broke in.

"anything useful?" Tom called.

"you're the only one looking for shit, you know." Matteo responded.

"Reggie's looking," Pansy snorted.

Regulus, who had appeared from nowhere, flipped her off.

i sat on the leather-topped desk, picking up sheets of paper and holding them to the end of my wand, turning them into ash.

it was a mind-numbing process, but it helped to distract me.

my eyes skimmed over a few words, not really taking anything in, until something jumped out at me.

"behavioural report," i read aloud.

"now's not really the time for snooping on other students, Lols." Tom's muffled voice came from within a trunk.

"it's Father's."

all eyes were immediately on me—or rather the paper in my hand.

"what does it say?" Matteo stepped closer.

"he cursed one of his classmates..." i frowned at the writing.

Tom took the paper and read from it.

"during a Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson in which the students' discovered their bogarts, Tom grew more agitated than most when his bogart emerged."

"the bogart—or bogarts—took the form of three young children—two boys and a girl—with dark hair and green eyes, perhaps past friends or family members who have caused severe trauma."

"it's us," i gaped at my dark haired, green eyed brothers. "we're his bogarts."

Tom held up a finger, silencing me. "one of his classmates laughed at Tom—which he would have been reprimanded for if Tom hadn't have cursed him with a thousand years of self-hatred."

"creative," i muttered.

"the rest is pretty boring..." he glanced over the letters. "two week suspension... this isn't the kind of behaviour we encourage... blah, blah, bullshit."

he looked up at last.

"who would've thought?" Matteo huffed a laugh. "the great Lord Voldemort was scared of his own children before our birth."

"he knows something." Tom frowned. "something we don't."

"he knows a lot of stuff we don't, Tom. it's nothing new." i rolled my eyes. "just like we know stuff he doesn't."

"no, this is something big. important."

i shrugged. "if he doesn't want us to find out, then there's no way we will."

"you're right." Tom rubbed the bridge of his nose. "he's always two steps ahead."

"well, he seems to know what he's doing, so..." i shrugged.

"what do you mean 'so'?" Tom frowned. "he just forced you to kill Potter, did he not?"

"he didn't force me to do anything," i kicked my legs. "Potter chose me, remember?"

"i thought you wanted to stop him." my brother folded his arms.

"we're all tired, it's been a long day. we can take him down another time, Agent Tom." i sighed.

"what if we don't have another day?" Matteo backed Tom. "all of us have had near-death experiences today."

i didn't want to accept the fact he was right.

i honestly was tired—physically and mentally.

my whole body was drained of... everything.

everyone was silent for a while, contemplating.

"if we were to attempt something... it would have to be so carefully thought out-"

"what do you think has kept me awake at night for the past six years?" Tom cut me off. "i know exactly how we can do it."

"please, enlighten us." Reg drawled from his spot by the window.

"we, Reggie." Matteo pointed. "Lola, Tom and i."

"you'll need help, though. distractions, diversions, lookouts, et cetera." he waved his hand dismissively.

"he's right." Tom said. "we'll need all of your help."

Draco and Pansy of course agreed to help with Tom's manic plan, and Regulus rolled his eyes.

"so... when do we start?" Reggie asked, ready as ever.

"right now." Tom decided. "watch your backs, everyone. i know my siblings would be upset if anything happened to you."

"don't pretend you wouldn't cry yourself to sleep every night, Riddle." Reg snorted.

"shut it, Black." Tom picked up a book and threw it at Regulus' head.

he laughed, dodging the missile. "really though, i know it would upset you a little."

Tom only rolled his eyes, heading for the door. "come on," he called to Matteo and i.

i kissed Draco for what felt like the thousandth time that day.

we had no idea when the last time we'd see each other would be, and neither of us were willing to take any chances.

"bye, Lols," he said against my lips.

"i love you," i kissed him again.

"more," he seconded. "i love you more than you know."

i smiled slightly and hugged him.

"chop chop, love birds." Tom clapped his hands. "we've got shit to be doing."

"just because you're single." Reg commented.

he really had no fear of my brother.

it was good though, he needed someone to puncture his over-inflated ego once in a while.

"i'm coming, i'm coming." i muttered, hurrying over to the door where my brothers waited.

"ready?" Matteo held out his arm. 

"ready as i'll ever be." i took it and waved to Draco as we exited the room.

my heart pounded with a mix of dread, hope and anticipation as we headed for Snape's office.

"stick to the plan," Tom reminded us. "if something happens, skip to the part where we end things."

the halls were deathly silent—not even the ghosts roamed about.

we reached Snape's office and entered, quickly setting up the perfect scene.

"now what?" i asked Tom.

"now we wait." he stared out of the window. "he'll be here soon."

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