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i landed in an unceremonious heap, along with my brothers, Draco and Pansy.

we all jumped to our feet and dusted ourselves down before realising Bellatrix and Lucius stood before us.

"sorry about that." Bellatrix pulled a face.

i rolled my eyes. "did you have to call us all up?"

"Dark Lord's orders." Lucius took off his mask.

"of course," Matteo muttered.

"Narcissa is trying to figure out a way to alter the whole school's memory." Mr Malfoy continued. "but it will probably be best if you stay here until she does so."

i groaned. "it's not like we're trying to get an education or anything."

"if that's how you feel i'm sure someone could find a tutor." Bellatrix said. "until then, you're staying away from Hogwarts."


"you're going to wear a hole in the carpet, Lo." Matteo remarked as i paced up and down before the fireplace.

"shut up." i snapped, swallowing a large sip of whisky and coughing at the taste.

"just trying to provide some comic relief."

"well don't. none of this is funny in the slightest."

"she's right, for once." Tom reasoned.

"you too!" i turned on him. "shut the fuck up!"

my eldest brother rolled his eyes. "sorry for being nice."

i threw my glass at his head but he whipped his wand out and sent it crashing into the wall beside him.

"Jesus, Lola! what are you doing?!"

"i'm going on a walk." i snapped.

"please do." Tom seethed.

Draco stood and took my hand before i could find something else to throw at Tom's fat head—possibly the coffee table.

"come on," he squeezed my hand gently.

i led him outside, sucking in deep lungfuls of the cold air and shivering as we sat on the stone steps.

"here," Draco removed his jacket and put it around my shoulders.

"thanks," i sighed.

"are you okay?"

"no," i laughed. "i'm livid."

"that's understandable."

"why would she call us up there?!"

"to prove a point, i suppose."

"that what? Father forced schoolchildren into joining his fucking cult?" i scoffed.

Draco shrugged. "or that he now has Hogwarts students under his thumb."

"well with any luck they'll all forget about it." i rested my head on his chest.

"it's going to be alright, Lo."

"it better be." i gritted my teeth.

"you're pretty scary, you know."

i glared up and Draco who grinned.

i narrowed my eyes.

"smile," he kissed the corner of my lips.

"shut up." i folded my arms and turned to look out at the gardens.

his hand met my waist and pinched gently, drawing out a shocked laugh.

"did you just... tickle me?!" my eyes were wide.

"no," he grinned.

"yes you-"

he squeezed my waist again and my body tensed as another laugh escaped me.

"Draco!" i gasped for air. "please!"

"smile," he said into my ear.

i managed to smile through the laughter and his tickling subsided.

but before he could get too comfortable i tickled him back.

"i... should've seen it... coming!" his laugh was deep and rich.

his arms snaked around me and he pulled me into his lap, kissing me... maybe to distract me from my assault.

i kissed him back, biting his bottom lip, earning a low moan in response.

"i hate you." i mumbled.

"that's the biggest lie i've heard in my life."

"fine... i really don't like you sometimes."

"hmm?" he raised an eyebrow.

"fine! you sometimes piss me off a bit!"

"i'll take it," he tugged a lock of my hair. "the feeling is mutual, by the way."


"mhm," he nodded.


he shrugged. "too many times to count."

"you're unbelievable."

"unbelievably good looking and witty."

"whatever you say, Malfoy." i rolled my eyes.

"yes, whatever i say."

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