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(back to Lola's pov)

the fight had spilled into the castle and there were people at every turn, so we had to be careful.

after breaking into several classrooms and smashing everything in sight, we ran into Bellatrix.

"there you all are." she grabbed my hand. "come on."

"where are we going?!" i trotted after her.

she didn't answer, taking us out of the school and towards the Dark Forest.

"what are we doing in here?" i tried again.

she turned back and pressed a finger to her lips as i spotted a group of people illuminated by an eerie blue light.

"wait here—quietly." she hissed and disappeared into the shadows.

i let go of her hand and took Draco's leaning back against him as he wrapped his arms round my waist, resting his chin on my head.

the lights brightened as Father joined the circle, walking towards a large tree.

i realised there was someone tied to the trunk.

"Potter." Tom growled.

"someone must've come for him," Pans figured. "i heard footsteps just before the fire started."

Bellatrix returned holding five silver masks.

"here." she handed them out. "hoods up."

i fixed the mask over my face and tucked my hair into my hood, checking Draco's and pushing strands of his singed white-blonde hair back from his face.

once satisfied, Bellatrix nodded and put on her own mask before beckoning us forwards.

we joined the circle, filling the gap left for us.

i heard a sharp inhalation of breath from my left but resisted the urge to look at Pansy, instead trying to work out what caused her reaction.

it didn't take me long to see what.

beside the tree Potter was tied to, was a huge man in chains.


a Death Eater stepped forward, untied Potter and pushed him forwards into the middle of the circle.

"oh, how i have longed for this day." Father was delighted. "Harry Potter, the boy who lived... come to die."

Potter pulled out his wand but Father was quicker, sending a volley of spells his way.

Potter managed to deflect them all but it was clear that his duel with Tom and the fire had exhausted him.

i could already hear his breath coming fast and hard, and watched his chest rise and fall rapidly.

Father, who had done nothing but apperate, easily overpowered him, resulting in Potter being pinned back against the tree by a cord of white light wrapped around his body and over his mouth.

Potter strained, trying to break the bonds, but there was no escaping.

"i had hoped this would've been somewhat harder..." Father drawled. "your parents put up quite the fight, you know."

"don't you dare talk about my parents." Potter hissed.

Father only regarded him slowly.

Potter's eyes slid over to our direction and i could tell he recognised us, despite the masks.

"look at me." Father demanded.

Potter ignored him.

"i want to see the light leave your eyes..."

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