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white light filtered through my eyelids and i raised my hand to block it out.

"did she just-"

"Lola?" a warm hand was on my arm.

i groaned and rolled over.

"come on, Lo."

i opened my eyes slowly and stared up at my brother and...

"Draco?" i croaked.

"yeah," he grinned. "yes, i'm here."


"hey," he held my hand tight.

i sat up, taking in my unfamiliar surroundings until my head began to spin, forcing me to lay back down.

"where are we?"

"Malfoy Manor." Draco said.

"can i have some-"

"water?" Matteo already had a glass in my hand.

"thanks," i took a few sips.

"i'll go and tell Mother and Father that you've woken up." Draco edged towards the door.

"alright," Matteo nodded.

"you didn't have to apologise." i grabbed my brother's hand as soon as the door closed. "it wasn't your fault."


"i heard you," i told him. "i could hear everything."

Matteo's face paled a little before regaining its usual tanned appearance.

"i feel terrible," he kneeled by my bedside.

"i can't remember what happened," i frowned. "how did we end up here?"
he frowned too.

"where's Tom?"

the frown turned into a scowl. "what's the last thing you remember?" i knew the icy tone couldn't be directed at me.

"we won the Quidditch match against... who did we play?"

"it that it?"



the door opened and Mr Malfoy entered, followed by Draco and Mrs Malfoy.

"ah, you're awake," Mr Malfoy stood at the foot of my bed. "how are you feeling?"

"i could be better,"

he nodded. "i'll inform the Dark Lord of your recovery."

Mrs Malfoy hustled over to the bedside and pressed a hand to my forehead.

"you feel fine, just take it easy, stay in bed if you need to." she smiled.

"i'm fine." i stood, ignoring the fact the room spun. "when do we go back to school?"

"oh, whenever you're ready."

i glanced at the clock on the bedside table; 7.15am.

"then we'll leave at nine."

the train was quiet, but calmingly so.

i stretched out on the bench, leaving Draco and Matteo to share the one opposite me.

nobody spoke, but i couldn't sleep.

maybe because of the rocking sensation of the carriage, maybe because of how long i'd been comatose.

it didn't feel like long before the train stopped at the Hogwarts platform.

Snape was there to greet us.

"Mr Riddle, Mr Malfoy." the professor nodded to both boys in turn. "Miss Riddle, i trust you're recovered."

"i am, Sir." i nodded.

"good." we began our walk our walk to the castle. "i'm sure you're aware Tom has returned."

"i assumed as much." Matteo muttered.

"he's been moved to another bedroom and won't be bothering any of you—or anyone else."

"what?" this caught my attention.

"after hearing what happened, the Slytherins have turned their backs on your brother." Snape said lightly.

"oh," was all i could reply.

i still felt oddly touched by my house's solidarity as i laid on the sofa in the common room, waiting for everyone to return from lunch.

Draco sat at one end of the sofa with my head in his lap, and Matteo was at the other end, resting a book on my feet.

"it's strange to see you read," i said.

"it's a very interesting book," he replied.

i sat up and looked at the page he was on.

"it's a smutty comic!" i pointed out, trying to grab it.

"yes, and it's very interesting!" he swatted me away.

the bell rang, echoing around the large room.

"they're going to be all over you," Draco stated.

we stared at the door in anticipation, waiting for the Slytherins to pour into the common room.

Pansy entered with her head buried in a real book.

"hey, Pans." Draco called.

her head snapped up and her jaw dropped along with her book, which landed with a bang on the floor.

"oh my God!" she dithered for a moment, waving her hands. "guys, it's Lola!"

she ran towards us and threw herself on top of us, wrapping her arms around us all.

the rest of our friends all let out whoops and cries of surprise and delight as they entered the common room.

soon i was on the verge of being suffocated my all the bodies crowded around mine.

it felt good to be missed.

"what's going on?" came a muffled voice.

everyone slowly detached themselves from me and formed a line, shielding me from whoever stood at the door.

"it's none of your business." Blaise folded his arms.

footsteps came closer and my friends centred themselves—whoever it was wasn't getting through them.

Draco and Matteo stood, creating a second barricade.

i stood as well, knowing who Slytherin was hiding me from.

"Lola?" Tom called.

i didn't want to see him.

"she doesn't want to see you." Matteo read my mind.

Tom tried to push through the Slytherins but they stood strong, not allowing him to get anywhere near me.

when he realised he wasn't going to see me, his face clouded over.

i couldn't control the shiver that went down my spine.

"what's going on here?" a dry voice called.

Snape stood in the doorway, his dark cloak shifting around him.

"Mr Riddle, you have been advised to stay away from your brother and sister." he came down the stairs.

"i just wanted to see her!" Tom protested.

"it appears Miss Riddle does not want to be seen."

there was a long moment of silence before Snape descended and grabbed Tom's collar, pulling him out of the common room.

he paused at the door and turned back to address us. "as you were,"

and although he only allowed Tom to turn for a few seconds, there was no disguising the dark rage on his face.

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