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we tracked the others down and Tom informed us that he had discovered and freed the Slytherins from the common room.

"they were all pretty pissed off." my brother chuckled.

"we found this," i took the diadem out of my pocket and showed them. "another one of the horcruxes."

"the Sword of Gryffindor is gone though." Draco told them. "we think Potter has it."

"we need to find it before the Death Eaters get into the school." Matteo said.

"should we split up again?" Pansy asked.

"no," Tom decided. "Potter won't just hand it over—we'll need backup."

"ok," i nodded. "someone else keep hold of the tiara, i've already got the locket."

Matteo took it, tucking the sparkling jewels into his pocket.

"right then," he dusted himself off. "let's go and find this sword."

we walked through the castle, chased and taunted by the noise from outside.

screams of pain, terror and rage were returned by shouts of joy and bouts of manic laughter.

"they're going to get inside soon." Tom warned. "we've got to hurry."

"hurry where?" i sighed. "we have no idea where they are."

"most likely the room of requirement." Tom led us towards the room. "there's bound to be a horcrux or two in there."

we all knew he had a point, so we followed him up the stairs and towards the seemingly plain wall.

as we all stood in front of it, the brick wall began to transform, revealing a gilded door which Tom pushed open quietly.

we all crept inside, Matteo shutting the door silently behind us.

"we found the diary," a hushed female voice came from somewhere within the room. "and destroyed it with a Basilisk tooth."

"i think that's Granger." Pansy whispered.

"this is the cup of Helga Hufflepuff." another voice stated.

"so destroy it." one more low voice.

"Potter and Weasley." Pansy informed us.

there was a loud smash and i knew one of them had destroyed another horcrux.

"come on," Tom beckoned.

"stay here, look after Pans." Matteo put a hand on Draco's shoulder.

he looked to me for confirmation and when i bowed my head, he nodded his own to Matteo.

i reached out and squeezed his hand, smiling as i mouthed: "i love you."

then i turned away, hurrying after my brothers.

we skirted the edge of the room, staying close to the wall and scanning the messy aisles until Matteo spotted the three of them.

Granger noticed us first, her eyes widening.

Potter and Weasley turned to see what she was looking at and immediately took a step back.

"what are you doing here?" Potter demanded.

"looking for you." i rolled my eyes. "obviously."

"what to you want?"

"the sword." Tom answered. "hand it over."

"i'm not going to do that." Potter gritted his teeth.

"either you hand me the sword-"

"that's the easy way." Matteo folded his arms.

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