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'soon' ironically came sooner than i had expected.

barely two minutes later, Father arrived, flanked by Greyback, Bellatrix and Mr Malfoy.

"children." he glared at us. "i trust you've completed your tasks."

"of course we have," Tom stated. "that's why we're having a drink—to celebrate."

"we thought you might want to join us..." Matteo said tentatively.

"Blackbarrel whisky," Tom waved a glass at Father. "your favourite."

Father's eyes narrowed, but he turned to his entourage. "go and find something to destroy."

my eyebrows lifted slightly in disbelief.

Tom's plan seemed to be working.

my brother handed Father the glass and gestured to the big leather chair behind the desk.

"where is Severus?" he frowned.

"there was an...altercation after he raised his wand to Lolita." Tom informed. "turns out he was still in love with Lily Potter."

"after all this time?" Father repeated the words i'd spoken earlier.

Tom nodded. "he went mad when he found out it was Lola who killed Potter."

"luckily Draco's quick thinking saved her life." Matteo finished the story.

Father nodded slowly, slightly impressed. "then i believe a thanks will be in order for the Malfoy family—Draco in particular."

"yes," i nodded.

he sniffed and lifted his glass to his lips.

"this is good stuff," he nodded appreciatively. "somebody round here has good taste."

"i agree," Tom pretended to sip his drink.

we lapsed into silence.

"i think i might miss this place," i looked around the office.

Father snorted. "shut up, Lolita."

"really, though." i continued. "there were good, loyal people here."

"true, i suppose." Father considered. "however, i have bigger things planned, for you in particular, Lolita."


"you've proved yourself to me today. with the right training and advice, you will be quite the asset."

i felt rather than saw Tom and Matteo's eyes widen in silent panic.

"go on..."

"when we get back to the house, my will shall be altered."

i waited for him to continue.

"upon my passing, you shall receive fifty percent of my treasury, your brothers shall each receive twenty five percent."

"you must be joking," Tom muttered.

"this," Father clicked his fingers. "is why. forever, Lolita has held her tongue, waited patiently in the background. now she is getting the recognition she deserves."

he was right, i realised.

my whole life i had lived in the shadow of not only my Father, but my brothers too.

"on top of this, you have been instated as my second in command."

i missed a beat. "what?"

he nodded.

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