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In call

Girl: i have reached

Girl 2: now its you time play the game well and yeah you should completely change you behavior

Girl: yes from tomorrow onwards i am not cute nor sweet just hot and sexy who will make his life as hell

Girl 2: take rest tomorrow onwards you have restless days and we will meet soon

Girl: yeah we will meet soon bye
Call end

Next day in xyz collage:

A rolls-Royce phantom car entered collage everyone attention turned to that car to know who was the one inside the car as no one else use much expensive car then sidd use.

Girl: how is this i never saw this car before in our collage

Girl 2: me too may be its that siddarth only who bought new car

Everyone where talking about the car they all wanted to see who was in the car

Soon the car got to park in the same place where sidd used to park his car daily no one else has guts to park their vehicle there.

Boy: i said you right its siddarth only and may be he bought new car.

To be continued........................
#_siddharthxfanfics_ #revengefullovebysanaa #sidashiff #sidashixff

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