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I too give her a smile walking towards her as you don't want to reveal myself first. I wanted her to broke down in front of me and reveal her identity, finishing this drama.

I know she couldn't bear me to rule over her so confidently move ahead. But, she was pretty good in acting.

I kept my hand on her. I noticed her jaw clenching even while showing the most beautiful smile of hers.

I understand she won't tolerate more. I raced my hand over hers till shoulder and caught her from back neck.

But she pushed me with both of her hand and full force later stood up from bed. I pretend to fall back and as I never expected her to behave in such a manner.

I saw her hand moved back and I knew it was to pull her gun out which I already know she had as j saw it from side mirror.

And as expected she pointed the gun towards me. "What is this ashi?? Why are you......." "shut up" ashi barked.


"She is way to emotional" sid said felling pity. "Pity??" Sana chuckled. "Yeah, she seriously had a river in her eyes unit she says what bought her to me"sid said controlling laughter.

"I wish I could have been able to see her reaction while knowing the truth" said sana with the cutest pout of hers.

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