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Ashi: which group u are

Sidd: O- 

Ashi: i am not asking about blood group i am asking about which course you are doing

Sidd: um wait let me think

Ashi (mind): if i asked him about girls he would have said it by now

Sidd: oh yeah i remember that course that what was that course name um b...b......something like ba or what was that?

Ashi: BBA??

Sidd: yeah yeah BBA i am taking that course and don't ask me anything about studies please

Ashi: ok i am also BBA student

Sidd: oh i have heard its a good subject

Ashi smiled (fake one)

Sidd: can we have tea together

Ashi: but its class time and i don't like bunking class especially ones who bunk class

Sidd: yeah me too i don't like bunking classes so lets go

Ashi: yeah

Ashi(mind): congrats mr.Devil Nigam you are falling in my plan so deep this soon.

They both walked in the class.

To be continued........................
#_siddharthxfanfics_ #revengefullovebysanaa #sidashiff #sidashixff

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