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One day:

Ashi pulled reem into store and closed the door to discuss about next move.

But unfortunately Sm else were also present in the store with was not notived by nor Ashi nor reem.

Sm become shock seeing them and Ashi's friendship Bvmcz as per as play Ashi used to bull remember infront of sidd.

Ashi: reem now sidd is trying his best to spend time with me now i guess its time for our next move.

Reem: yes i too think the same but be careful he shouldn't get to know that you are here for revenge.

They both heard claps and turned towards that direction.

They saw Sm and got shocked.

Sm: i had doubt on you(Ashi) from the first day itself i warned sidd too. But now i came to know your intentions and you both were doing a great drama in front of me and sidd.

Ashi: Sana pls try to understand its nothing like what you think

(Sana: siddharth's only female friend from childhood. have a rich background Sidd's mom and her dad are business partners by which their family shares a good bond. secret box of sidd who knows everything about him and hide all those from his mom)

To be continued........................
#_siddharthxfanfics_ #revengefullovebysanaa #sidashiff #sidashixff

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