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"If you wish you can still watch it, I guess she is still in a shock" said sid making sana the happiest. "I should meet her right now" said sana getting up from sofa and walking towards the door.

Sid stops by shouting " you forget something behind" she turned around as she knows what was that.


Sidna reached nigam mansion.

They were climbing stairs but sana suddenly stopped. "What??" Asking confused sid. "I will meet her alone" she said. "As you wish" sid climbed down and sat with a news paper in his hand.

Sana opens the door and found ashi staring out from the window. She closed the door and walked towards ashi. Ashi heard the sound of opening door and footsteps but didn't react.

"Hello ashi madam, looks lost, where are you" ashi just looked at her with blank face. "Yeah maybe to run away from bitter truth of life, it's better to get lost in a tension-free dreamland" said sana and received an disbelief look from ashi.

"I never expected this from you" ashi said and sana rolled her eyes. "Life is full of unexpectations nothing will be as we expect" "YOU BROKE MY TRUST" ashi shouted.

"Talk quietly, if you want god to hear you and save you from here then let me give you and advise that he is never going to, because there is no one like that its just some stupid beliefs" sana said with disbelief.

To be continued.........
#_siddharthxfanfics_ #revengefullovebysanaa #sidashixff #sidashi

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