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"I'll make dinner" said sana walking towards the kitchen. But, VA stopped her. "Today I will make dinner for my son with my own hands" sid did nothing but just stayed blank. VA give them a smile and walked towards the kitchen.

As soon as she went sid walked towards his room, sana followed him.
Sana closed the door as she entered inside. Sid fall on his knees on the floor covering his face.

Sana knees down in front of him and slowly removed his hands from the face. Her heart fell as sid's face mask of anger has thrown out and the tears he was holding from so long started to flow out from his face.

She just hugged him tapping his back while sid finally let out all his tears to flow. "Why??" He asked still sobbing. He pulled out from her soft grip and faced her. "Why all this only happens with us??" She just slowly wiped his tears which was continuously flowing.

Sid closed his eyes tightly trying to recover. While sana quickly wiped off her tears which she was holding till now, she couldn't but still tried her level best not to break down in front of him right now as his condition was worse.

To be continued.........
#_siddharthxfanfics_ #revengefullovebysanaa #sidashixff #sidashi

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