CHAPTER 50 (half century 💝💫)

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I saw every maid obediently moved towards a place not daring to look up, I guess it's the way to kitchen. I turned and found sana staring at me with a boring expression, I knew she wanted me to go away and I didn't want to face the consequences of not obeying them for sure. I quickly moved towards the place where all others went, as i guessed it was a kitchen but the one I didn't saw on movies, maybe the most luxurious kitchen ever. I wonder how my so called husband is such rich as from a magazine I came to know that his mother is the first trillionaire in the india but how?? From business?? Don't think so, because what kind of business is that?? Nevermind.

I was standing in a corner of the kitchen, I placed my hand on the slab and felt it's cold and shinning smooth surface. All maids were standing close to each other whispering something to each other, maybe gossiping, maybe their topic could be me too but I am sure that there are not aware of my presence and I am eager to know what they are talking about ad their topic could be me too.

I moved a opened a lil closer and sharpened my ears, and yes I could hear them. "What do you think of master's new wife??" wife?? Does that mean he has many old wives too?? "I guess she is forced" yes I am. "And how can you say that" "can't you see how masters treat her??" Masters?? Yeah I know sana too have all rights as in sid in this house but why?? Idk

"Wait...does she know anything about masters??" About masters?? What about them?? "I am curious too, maybe she does know everything" "what if she don't??" What they are actually talking about?? I wish I could know that.

One maid opened her mouth to say something but closed soon as she saw ashi. She sighned everyone and all turned towards her. She looked up at them and quickly that all bow down.

To be continued.........
#_siddharthxfanfics_ #revengefullovebysanaa #sidashixff #sidashi

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