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Ashi looked around for sid and he was nowhere to be found. 'Maybe he's in washroom' she thought.

Sana's turned and she found ashi standing there. "Why are you still here??" She asked with a frown.

"I-I-I was-s ju--s" ashi tried to speak no knowing what to speak. "I asked you for coffee and you got me that, right??" Asked sana for which ashi nodded.

"Now you have nothing more to do, just go to your room" sana said diverting her attention again towards her iPad.

"My room??" Ashi questioned for which sana nodded. "This is my room" ashi argued. "Really??" Sana got up from her seat. "And who told you that??" Sana questioned her back making her more confuse.

"Just because you stayed here for a night, doesn't mean it's your room, okay?? And go down stairs you will find some guest room, you can use any of them." Sana stated making ashi state at her as some fool.

'Did she just ousted me from my husband's room??' Ashi got way too shocked by her words.

"And what about you??, are you the one who is staying in here??" Ashi asked trying to keep her calm. "Mind your own business" said sana rolling her eyes.

"But--" ashi stopped as sana raised a finger on her. "I guess you are having some memory issues" said sana making ashi frown. "Don't you forget that you sister.....I guess I don't have to extend my words more, right??" She said leaving ashi completely devastated.

She can't forget that her sister is surrounded by their people. She couldn't risk her life at all. Ashi didn't take a sec more to think and immediately rushed out of the room.

She was walking downstairs while she saw martha. Martha was making sure that everything was perfect and in their place before going to bed.

She saw ashi, even being confused she give her a smile. "Can I-I know where is guest room??" Ashi asked being uncomfortable as she was thinking what that maid would be thinking about her.

"Sure, I will lead you" said martha moving towards guest room. Ashi quietly followed her. She got a lil comfortable with Martha, she felt like Martha was able to understand her situation.

To be continued.........
#_siddharthxfanfics_ #revengefullovebysanaa #sidashixff #sidashi

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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