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With a small smile in her face sana started to walk, so did sidd.

After sometime they were walking back to home with perfect silence. They had not talked even a single word but vent all their pain on the cold wind. They both were just too happy with this walk.

With their each step they were getting closer to the mansion. The whole mansion is on the eye sight of them, while something hit her mind.

She hold his hand being still. Sid turned towards her. "I want to talk to you", she said nervously. "Something important??" He asked noticing her nervousness. She hummed in response.

They both sat on the street bench, from there they could see the beautiful mansion in a perfect view.

Sid kept on looking her to speak up. She understood that. "Nothing else but about.....ashi". sid quickly got up. "It's getting cold, you will get sick". He started walking away.

Sana didn't move even a bit. "You are stubborn". Said sid. "Ofc I am, and you should listen to me" sana said angrily looking away from him. Sid sat beside her and looked into her eyes to speak up.

To be continued.........
#_siddharthxfanfics_ #revengefullovebysanaa #sidashixff #sidashi

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