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Ashi was walking downstairs stairs while some thought hit her. 'She told she want to change. In sid's room?? She don't have a room in this whole mansion?? Or she stays with sid, in the same room??'

She was lost in her thoughts that she missed a step and was about to fall down while a hand hold her by wrist. She came back to sense finding her wrist being hold by sid, preventing her from falling down.

She stood properly and sid left her. He raised his eyebrow asking 'what was wrong with her'. "I was simply lost thinking about my sister" ashi lied.

Sid rolled his eyes and walked upstairs. Ashi curiously noticed which room he was moving too. She hoped it won't be the same room, but unfortunately it was. She got frustrated and stomped off from there.

Ashi was making coffee or more like struggling to make a coffee when a maid came to her. The same maid who told her about the restricted balcony. Ashi give her a small smile.

"Mrs nigam, do you want any help??" She asked watching ashi struggle in the kitchen. "Yeah, actually I couldn't find ingredients I was just searching for it." Ashi said looking at the luxurious kitchen. It looks like she will take a week to find a single item from there. The maid nodded in understanding and give her needed help.

"Anything else??" The maid asked her with the same simple smile. "No I am fine and thanks for your help, it means a lot" ashi said to her, she meant all her words.

The maid just smiled and bowed, she was walking out when ashi again called her. "Yes ma'am" "can I know your name??" Ashi asked with a smile. "Myself Martha, I am the head of the staff and also the oldest staff of this mansion" she said with the same smile plastered on her face.

Ashi mouth 'oh' and just simply nodded. Martha bowed and left.


Sana was lost with a iPad sitting on the sofa. Ashi walked to her but sana didn't notice her presence. Ashi cleared her throat grabbing her attention.

Sana looked up at her and again her attention went to her iPad. "Thank you" said sana pointing at the table. Ashi kept the coffee in the table.

To be continued.........
#_siddharthxfanfics_ #revengefullovebysanaa #sidashixff #sidashi

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