|1| Birthday Downfall

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Madeline POV

"Please can I scare him!" I whine as my mum walks us up to the house.
"Madi, I said no, your not scaring him okay he doesn't even know we are coming" she says laughing. We make it to the door and I knock on it. A man with dark hair and blue eyes answers.
"Lexi! Your not welcome leave" he laughs.
"Very funny Damon, move" she says and barges past him and I follow. He seems rude.
"Who's this with you, she's definitely not human that's for sure" He ask looking me up and down.
"1) don't look me up and down like I'm a fucking tart. 2) I'm Madeline Branson. You are?" I ask. All he does is laugh.
"Damon Damon Salvatore" he says and puts his hand out so I can shake it but I ignore him.
"So you get yourself pregnant huh? Who's the unlucky fella" he asks laughing again. He's annoying me already.
"If I may. Are you the brother of Stefan Salvatore?" I ask smirking.
"Madeleine Alexia Branson don't you dare" mum says sternly and I ignore her.
" Yep that's me" Damon replies.
"Ahhh, well then the " unlucky" fella would be your brother" I say smirking.
"Hi uncle Damon" I say again smirking.
"Madeline I said not to" mum says more annoyed.
"Did you? Huh must have selective hearing, we should check that out" I say laughing. She only gives me a stern look back.
"Fine I'm sorry but he was looking his niece up and down like I'm a tart I wasn't having it" I say and walk away. I enter the living room to see my dad sitting there giggling.
"Here's the man of the hour!" I yell and run into his arms.
"Whoaaa heyy, good to see you too Madi he laughs.
"So where's my pr-" I start to say but mum stops me.
"Don't you dare end that with esents , I told you he doesn't owe you anything" mum says laughing.
"I know I was going to say, pretty great hug? That last one was horrible" I say smirking.
"Mmh" mum replies.
"Of course I got you a present, let me go and find it one moment" dad says and vamp speeds away returning within a moment.
"Now it's not much but I thought since your 16 it had to be special" he says opening a box to reveal the most gorgeous red Ruby ring inside.
"No dad that's too much" I say denying the gifts.
"It was your grandmothers, she would want you to have it" Stefan says smiling. At the mention of his mother Damon went red.
"Stefan no, that's our mothers not hers" he says grabbing the box.
"Damon!" Lexi yelled.
"What it's not hers neither is it Stefan's!" He yells and walks away.
" I'm sorry darling, I will make him give it over" Stefan says.
"Dad leave it, he's clearly got an attachment to it, I don't mind honestly " I say smiling.

We spend the evening chatting that's when the door goes.
"Hello?" I ask opening the door to a brunette.
"Hi is Stefan here?" She asks.
"Yeh he's in the shower I can give him a message what's your name?" I ask.
"Elena it's fine tho I'll leave" she smiles.
"Wait! Your Elena! Your so much prettier than I imagined." I say smiling.
"He's mentioned me?" She asked confused.
"Yeh, a lot actually, he wouldn't shut up about you" I say laughing.
"So who are you?" She asks.
"Oh I'm Madeline Branson, lexi and Stefan's daughter, I'm a vampire, turned last year so when I was 15 he said you knew about vampires?" I ask and she just stands there.
"Yeh I do but I didn't know about you?" She says. I feel my heart ache a little.
"Oh umm" I say but then Stefan shows up.
"Im gonna go" I say and leave them to it. Damon's been hiding in his room for hours so I go up to see him.
"Damon?" I question walking in.
"If your here for the ring your not getting it." He says coldly.
"Im not here for the ring I don't want it" i say smiling. But that seems to annoy him.
"Why don't you want It!" he half yells.
" you clearly have an attachment to it" I say smiling.
"You make it sound like I'm a baby" he groans.
"Uncle Damon your not a baby, that ring holds nothing but an image of my grandmother to me, to you it holds memories, that's more important " i smiling. I turn to leave when he stops me.
"She would have liked you, your grandmother, you have a kind soul" he says smiling and i leave. That could have been worse.

I walk into my dads room to find my mother yelling and holding a picture of Elena. Turns out Elena has a doppelgänger named Katherine. She's like 500 years old and like super evil I don't know but I immediately left to go get ready. Mum wants us to have a party at the grill, or something like that.

We arrived at the grill and immediately I found Elena and her friends because I wasn't going to be hanging with Stefan all night. Or my mother.
"Hey Elena" I smile.
"Hey, guys this is Madeline Stefan's sister" she smiles. I was confused at first but then I remembered that not everybody in this town can know about vampires I guess.

"Hi I'm Caroline and that's Bonnie" Caroline smiles. I turn to Bonnie and shake her hand when she goes blank.
"You okay?" I ask confused she nods and continues talking to Elena and Caroline. I spend most of the night with them until I see the Sherif walk over to Damon and my mother and she injects my mum with something then she falls to the ground, must be vervain.

I run over to her but the cops take her away, I run to my dad and he's following behind her. The police won't let us out so we go out back. I stand in front of Stefan when I see Damon stab my mum with a wooden stake, Stefan grabs me and pulls me to his chest covering my mouth. Damon twists the stake further and my mother falls to the ground going grey. I stand for what feels like an hour watching Damon, he's my uncle and he killed my mother, the whole idea of her being a vampire was that we could spend years with each other not just 16 of them. I have so many memories with her and so many more I wanted to make, but he took that away from me. I feel myself shaking loosing control when Stefan pulls me closer to his chest and picks me up. I start silently crying harder and harder until eventually I'm asleep.

I'm sorry I know I started this with such a sad start with Lexi dying but unfortunately Damon the dick actually did do this so...

Anyways what do we think of Madeline? Is she like Stefan? Lexi? Or maybe even Damon?

How do we think her life will be here in mystic falls now her mothers dead?




Please and thanks

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